.:Map Download:. I've been working on this map since November and I have finally put on the final polishes and I'm so excited. This is going to be the first *good* map I'd say I've published. I came up with the concept back in November and slept on it, and started the next morning using the windows in the structure abutting the large broken arch in the seawall. I wasn't too fond of the finishing effect, glorious though the concept was, the object pallet of Last Resort left something to be desired. So I scrapped the project indefinably, relaying it to the darkest depths of my fileshare. However, with Foundry's release, I soon remembered my lost project and realized Foundry would be perfect to it with. So...here it is. It is symmetrical, and enclosed. It consists of two structures; the larger is the main bases, which is actually two mirrored structures that are side by side. It has two levels. The lower levels are the two bases. Pass through a shield door and up a manly cannon to the second story. Here the two connected structures aren't divided by walls, but two fence walls and a single solid wall. The permeability of bullets through the fence walls (or in the early version, radio towers) is where I got the name "Chatroom". Originally, a teleporter connected the two top areas at each end opposite the man-cannon. I thought it was a great concept, then I realized with much stupidity that this horridly broke the whole symmetry. Thus, the middle section came to be. It is smaller and 1-storied (For now; GASP. I'm experimenting with an upper level, but I think it might make the map a little two complex and thrown together.) You go through the 'porter and come out in a single box. The next room is a rectangular shape, with a fence wall in the middle. On the side of the fence wall opposite the 'porter is a dumpster with a turret on top. In front of that the walls kind of bottleneck with a shield door. The shield door is the neutral spawn point that is essentially (but not physically) the center of the map, and on the other side the scenery is mirrored. Oh, and if you look up when you spawn in the lower bases, you can see my cool "light bulbs" ^.^. Note: The active camo/overshield spawns are the only asymmetrical aspects in symmetrical gametypes. It should be finely balanced, but if I get negative feedback I'll scrap them both in 3.1 Another note, if your having trouble taking down the machine gunners, those conveniently grenade-sized holes in between certain walls aren't just minor imperfections Weapons' statistics: Symmetrical: x8 (only at starting point, may half if feedback agrees) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symmetrical: 2 Asymmetrical: 1 (defensive) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symmetrical: 2 (2 shots each) Asymmetrical: 1 (Defensive...methinks...) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asymmetrical: Offensive only --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symmetrical: 4 (light bulbs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symmetrical: 4 (light bulbs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symmetrical: 2 (doesn't affect gameplay much, but you can dig it up if you'd like) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fuel Rod Gun: Asymmetrical: 1 (Defensive) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symmetrical: 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symmetrical: 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symmetrical: 1 (center spawn) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asymmetrical: 3 (defensive, see above) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plasma Turret: Symmetrical: 2 Asymmetrical: 4 (2 extra for defenders) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symmetrical: 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symmetrical: 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symmetrical: 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that covers it. If I list grenades and equipment it may take up too much room. All you really need to know there is that in asymmetrical games two Molotov's spawn in the attackers base near the shield door. You could use them for murder & arson, buy I prefer using them to take out that pesky grav lift that spawns above your man-cannon. Now, for pictures. Exterior of bases Exterior of mid-section Doesn't look like much...yet.... A base Back of the defensive base (asymmetrical) More pics of the first structure: *Note: You may see two turrets, but it has been simplified to one, more effective turret. *Note: the man cannon and the mirrored grav lift appear in asymmetrical gametypes after a set amount of time. One of the aforementioned grenade-sized holes My Light bulbs ^.^ Views from the middle: Dunno where this might fit in, but if your on the green team and you have a sniper rifle....you should could -Blam!- some people off here *some pictures were not uploaded but are in my gallery. Optional gametype & early builds can be found in fileshare. Credit: Forge Hub - Interlocking techniques & much inspirations NopoN - my good friend who was always there to help or test when something went wrong. Scopolus, Scorpulus, & co. - Helping test & giving me feedback B-net, The Bungie Staff, and everyone in the community - For working so hard and just being awesome. Issues & bugs: - Power weapons will break the map with 2-4 people, especially the ***-blam!- sword. I recommend turning the weapon pickup off, inf. ammo on, and starter to AR & BR until I can release a small-party version. - I'm wanting to place shield doors in the middle section (more specifically, the the defensive-only plasma turrets spawn, adjacent to the fence wall). If you leave feedback, be SURE to include your thoughts on this. - Every once in a while, there may be a spot where grenades & the rocket lawn chair explode but do not damage a player. I've looked into this and unfortunately it doesn't appear fixable so it will remain an indefinite fix (don't leave me bad feedback on this, just drop a log in Bungie's RAID tool -lol-), but hopefully this could be good for balance, making players less tempted to mindlessly spam grenades and actually use tactics & skill, as well as limiting the rocket launchers uses to necessities such as the turrets.
I have done my best to counterbalance such things. There are two turrets, as well as a gap between the shield door and the ceiling. Just throw some grenades in there. Rockets and if your skilled, snipes will help too. Their respawn time is lengthened too and they don't spawn at the start. See, counterbalances.
Thanks, but the real punch is the map. Posting it here & on B-net took me slightly less than an hour, compared to the nearly two months (spending 1 1/2-3 hours per day) planning and building the map. Have you tried it yet?
I have a question...what did you do during the two months in Forge? There are an awful lot of crooked walls etc. Its not that hard to make sure a wall stands straight. You can alleviate the problem with the two turrets by simply taking one out. I'll have to DL to see what its about but the two separated areas are interesting.
Looks a little too clastraphobic for me. I don't know, just the whole space issue for me isn't reallly what I tend to like. The walls do seem a little crooked too. Well the post itself was excellent, the map I didn't really admire too much. =]
Very nice work on post but could have impleted some of that nice work into your map and at least took one of the turrets out guarding the flag
I find it rather ironic that I put very little effort into the post and a lot into the map and the post is getting better comments. I mean srsly the only thing I did differently than anyone else was replace the weapon names with pictures. Thanks for the feedback on the map though, 3.1 is underway and addressing many of your issues *ahem* even the aesthetic ones like a slightly off-balance wall or two. I know it doesn't look perfect but such things don't effect gameplay, which is what I was going for...with this version anyways. The big change will the that the first section, with the bases and such, is being doubled in length. This in itself will require the turrets to be "fixed". Before, the turrets were perfectly countered because they were so close together. More space means they would have to be separated, and separating them would lessen their vulnerability. They will be simplified into one. The asymmetrical plasma cannons will more than likely be removed, as they don't seem to serve much of a purpose at all. You will also have more cover from the machine gun turrets, both above and below. Also, I would like feedback on what I should do about adding shield doors to the center section....anyone? EditZ: Davidd 118, yea the map is kinda confusing. A slight issue I need to address is confusion upon spawn about which direction is which. I'll have to find some more aesthetic ways of identifying it. It doesn't take long to get used to it though. I would have a video up, but my only capture card is at my dad's house. And guess what's not there? Internet.
you said you were working on that since november, the map pack with foundry was only out since december 11