Download Link Confinery is a symmetrical Arena map with some narrow hallways and cross map shooting. The map is somewhat inspired by Collosus, but at the same time plays nothing like it. It is set up for all MLG gametypes (not saying it's good for them all, but is set up to work for them all). From my testing, it works great for doubles, 4v4 and FFA somewhat. Weapons: Sniper - Quantity:1 - Respawn: Drop Spawn, 250 Mauler - Quantity:1 - Respawn: Drop Spawn, 300 BR - Quantity:6 - Respawn: Normal, 10 Carbine - Quantity:4 - Respawn: Normal, 10 Pictures: Overviews Base Base to Sniper Sniper Room Mauler Hallway Note: The pictures are from an older version, but the layout is the same. Only difference is that the tower is done differently. Also, some ground rules are to be made before playing that you can't grenade jump out of the map (behind the walls) or on top of the map. For budget reasons, I couldn't do it.
idk why no one has commented this, it looks great! kinda reminds me of a castle somewhat, and i like what you've done with the orbs, make it looks colorful and not boring lol
yes it does look very interesting and i like the look of the bases and the look of the way to travel around the outside of the map. it great that you interlocked almost everything you could. but for the middle it looks like you just threw a few walls on different angles to fill in the space. but it looks like a solid map i'll be sure to d/l when i get my xbox back what toochie says is right the map does not show up so there is no real use of it being posted
I'm glad to see your map got on forge hub ZRdragoon. This map is so sick, and the second version has some better cover areas so you should change the pictures to version two, probably make it look better. The mauler spot took forever to hover right...
This map is just so awesomely balanced there was nothing I could do to stop myself from posting. There is just too much to say about this map, so just download it and you'll see how good it is.
The different angled corner walls were placed for cover coming out of the downward ramp and a way to quickly get up to the "hallway" without the ramp or stairs from jumping on the dumpsters. The stuff in the middle is actually strategically placed cover.
glad that you realy thoguht out placing every little piece of the map. also i think it would look cool if in the middle up the top instead of 3 yellow ones you could have two yellow and a purple (red and blue mixed) just an idea to make it look more appealing.
That would be cool but alas, we ran out of camos and overshields as all four of them are used marking the bases currently.
I like the fact that you included carbines and brs. The map looks very well interlocked and from what I could tell It plays great.
Thanks. Keep in mind that this map is designed for MLG gametypes, so it's only natural that I add Carbines. =D
oooh very nice but it seems a bit open for a confinary, and finnally a rush of mlg maps this is what i've been waiting for!
The idea behind confinery is the fact that the hallways are kind of confined. I'm thinking of making it named Courtyard, though, seeing as there is a huge tower with this map shadowing it.
no there are heaps of maps called courtyard (why?) so i would call it something like, i dunno, walkway? or something that emphasizes the main feature of the map