Confinement A perfect hybrid of Halo 3's Avalanche and Halo 2's Containment 6-16 players After sitting on my hard drive for close to six months, this map, Confinement, will finally see the light of day. It's a U-shaped map, similar to Avalanche and Sidewinder, but the bases are modeled after the bases on Containment, as you will probably be able to tell from the screenshots below. Right now, it can support Team Slayer and CTF for sure, I think I set up Assault, but I'm going to go back and make sure that I get all the others set up too. When I get that done, I'll update the download link. I'm not sure what else to say, besides that it's 6 in the morning and I'm tired, so I'm gonna hurry up and get this posted Screenshots Overview Red Base Blue Base Side Red Side Blue Red Side of Mid Ground (Note the rock ledge on the bottom left) (Blue Side Mid, the Arch, and a few other screenshots are refusing to show up in my Bnet Recent Screenshots. Once they show up I'll put em up here.) Middle Ground and Lazer Spawn Alright, well I hope you guys like the map, and if you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it. And I'll get the Gametypes and the other screenshots up most likely later today. DOWNLOAD: : Halo Reach : File Details
Um, your post is work I suppose but your screenshots won't show up. I suggest using t better than photobucket when posting photos here is a link to how.
um i know how to post pics on here, posted several maps here before. i used imageshack this time instead of photobucket, so idk if that has something to do with it. the pics all show up for me, so maybe ur computer doesnt like imageshack or something. is anyone else having this problem? if so ill change the hosting site
Um... ok I get all that I was just saying because my computer said your pics were from Photobucket so IDK. My internet access may be the reason, its been effecting my XBOX LIVE activities as well so sorry. Just wondering, I took a look, great map just a suggestion though, have you thought of an invasion gametype for this because invasion isn't common and a very great achievement if you can create good type of invasion on a map like this! By the way do you want a sig or something because I've got several halo sigs sitting around on my computer with no use?
I dont think id be able to get normal invasion to work properly on this map. i dont have enough budget left to do anything like that, and the map wasnt designed with incasion in mind. invasion slayer is probable, though. i have a couple ideas for invasion maps that id like to try sometime, so you may see an invasion map from me at some point.
I believe the map you're referring to from Halo 2 is actually "Containment". Anyway... from what I can see in the pictures you've provided, it looks like a pretty solid map. I shall d/l and take a brief look at it in Forge when I get the chance.
whoops, typo. happens to the best of us ig when its 6 in the morning and youre lacking sleep lol. i went back and fixed it. hope you like the map, and if anyone is able to try this map out with the full 16 players, could you give me some feedback on how it holds up with that many people? i havent been able to get a large enough party together for more than a 4x4