Confined Space Created by Silverline/ThatsMyPie (As this is my first post here I would like to point out that my name on this forum is different to my Xbox Live Gamertag. My Xbox Live gamertag is in fact 'ThatsMyPie'.) Introduction Well its about time I got my map some publicity. I tried posting this on but it got no response, so I will probably get actual feedback here. The Map Confined Space (as I said) is the first map I created on foundry. It is a map created entirely for All v All slayer games. Team slayer will work but my friends and I found it a bit to small. I made the map about a month ago, but only decided to really show it recently. (Thanks to this site) I now know a lot more forge tricks so my maps are a lot better, but I am still pleased with how this one turned out. It simply consists of a long narrow corridor, with two rooms at either end. Teleporters lead to another corridor. Screenshots Download >>CONFINED SPACE<<
Looks nice, downloaded Seems very reminiscent of Longest and Elongation =] Certainly not a bad thing =D
Oh yea. I have never played any of the previous Halo games (lol) So that certainly wasn't intended. Thanks for the comments.
Oh wow you're missing out =P A lot of people still play Halo2 online. I was thinking of "remaking" Longest/Elongation but seeing how you've made a very simiilar map I might just see how this one plays =D