Conduit is a 2-6 Player FFA and Small Team Game Map. I spent around 8 hours or so on this map and i tried to make everything as perfect as possible. My favorite part of making this map was building the column room. It was so fun having Sideout yelling at me telling me my pillars weren't straight lol. I've tested and tested this map to make sure the spawns are playable. So if you have any complaints about spawns or any other issues post them here on this thread. Changes: -Spawns revamped to aid against spawn camping which was a major problem in version 1. -Some small aesthetic touches added. -Pallet in front of the entrance to the bottom of the bunker removed to aid against camping. -Camo spawning issues fixed. -Fusion coils added to the underpart of the bunker, again to aide against camping there. Quotes From Version 1: Spawns were the main thing i fixed as that was the main gripes I got. I have played this with gravedigger and spawns seem to be working quite well now. Thanks dude I would love to have this tested by a professional tester if there is anyone who would like to help me with this it would be greatly appreciated. Me too Thanks Thanks lol my geoglitching is never the best i often have to use help from others but this time i did it myself Weapons: Battle Rifle-x4, 45 sec Assault Rifle-x1, 30 sec Magnum-x2, 30 sec Mauler-x1, 150 sec SMG-x2, 45 sec Spikers-x2, 45 sec Covenant Carbine-x1, 60 sec Brute Shot-x1, 120 sec Gravity Hammer-x1, 180 sec Grenades: Spike-x4, 10 sec Plasma-x2, 20 sec Frag-None, You start out with 2 for God's sake. Incenerary-None, Too many complaints and i just don't like them. Equipment: Regenerator-x1, 90 sec Bubble Shield-x1, 90 sec Active Camo-x1, 150 sec Screenshots: This is an overview of the first room of 3 rooms total. This is an overview of the same room but from a different angle looking towards the bunker. This is a view of the column room from the bunker room. This can often be a very explosive place take caution. This is a view of the same column room but from above. Notice the Gravity Hammer on top of the columns. This is a view of the Active Camo room from the column room. This is the view from the inside of the bunker. Action Shots: Jarhead getting double-teamed lol Jarhead getting stuck in the face. Im the one doing the facial reconstruction . Jarhead once again showing us his awesome tactics by running into a room full of Red Team members. This map was made for a contest in the group U Can Forge We Can Help. We are a great group of people and we are growing steadily. As of right now we have 207 members. You too can be a part of this great experience. Joining is easy, no jumping through hoops, just click the join group button and your in. Enjoy! II AceMasta II Here is the link in case you missed clicking on the picture to DL DOWNLOAD
It looks very good, with great interlocking, but there's no need to bore you to tears with stuff you've heard already. The map seems a wee bit small for my tastes, but I'm sure other people are into that sort of thing. As you used the same pictures from version 1, I couldn't tell what you meant by "Some small aesthetic touches added." I'm sure a clarification would pique my curiosity toward your map. Additionally, I have NO IDEA how all the rooms connect. An overview from farther back or a mock-up in Foundry Designer would be much appreciated. Waiting to rate until I either hear more or DL it myself. ?/5
Oh k by some small aesthetic touches i meant just a few barrels and some of the old stuff was moved around not much though. And the rooms don't connect in any real special ways it is just an opening from one room to the next. If you look at the camo room pick the space between the wall of foundry and the boxes that have a BR between is the connection between those rooms. In picture 3 the area with the open single box and the fence box on the right and the double box on the left is the connection between room 1 and the column room
This is a very very great map. the aesthetics are just beautiful. Maybe some time we could make a map together.
Aight ill send you a friend request EDIT: Nevermind i see you have already sent me one lol well i accepted EDIT ONCE AGAIN..: I will be gone for a while all of you who are posting so if i don't reply it is because i have freakin homework on labor day weekend....
You should reconsider this statement, Frag Grenades are very useful and since you spawn with them you should really put some on map to replenish your stock since pillaging corpses for grenades may lower grenade spamming but it can really effect game play negatively. You put an Assault Rifle on the map but you start with one, I would actually rather frags over more AR rounds but if you plan on updating this map please add some frags. Other than that every thing pretty awesome, I don't see a reason why not to download.
You should'nt have posted the same just because it's the updated version of the map, becuase, It's just stupid. You should have just edited V1, Thats what I would do. Anyways, The map deserves a 4/5 in my Opinion, Sorry but no download from me. D:
Alright well i only did this considering the size of the map and the fact that my money glitch broke like 3/4 of the way through the map so if i can figure out a way to do something about that i will.
The map looks great and the interlocking is perfect . I really like the design and the bunkers .....4/5 btw how do you make the first pix lettering like that and tinted ?
i saw the v1 and it was ammazing not muched changed in terms of map geometry, but those changes are a great improvemnt to the first one dling, btw those bariers arent straight JK insane job man
Dang dude. I bet this took quite some time!!! The layout is small (that is how I like it) and I'm glad you geomerged a lot of objects. Most people don't geomerge (I don't, it's too difficult and time-consuming) and so your map sticks out a lot. The gameplay looks hectic and the pictures look really good to me. 5/5 and a download from me.
Haha alright dude you share the same views about maps as me i don't build very large maps if you like small maps perhaps you might like this map...Fire and Ice
Wow. Let me start by saying that my favourite bit is the column room. That action shot you've got with the guy climbing over the rubble is awsome. Very good interlocking. I can't see a lot of geo merging (some of the walls maybe?), but that looks clean too. There is a bit too much stuff (barrels, pallets etc.) lying around though. But overall, very, very nice 6/5.
Well thanks for the comments guys i just played it again today and it plays great so ya lol thanks again. What i want to know is how was version 1 five stars and version 1.1 is 3 stars and there were just minimal changes