I live in Ohio and I don't know if it's just the store I go to, but I've bought condoms as young as 15.
Same in Australia, almost anyone can buy a condom(age of consent is 16). Either way, kids are still going to have sex, a lot are uneducated and will use the "safety hole", not knowing that anal spreads STI's easier, same thing with blow jobs.
Ok, the "safety hole" is just disgusting, and it's made for things to go out while nobody's watching, not for things to go in while they're getting laid. Blow jobs are made for spare-of-the-moment teens, hooker sex, unreasonably horny people, and pornos.
Wait. I can but condoms and I'm 13... But yeah it should be. Unfortuneatly the minors wouldn't get to vote and it would go to adults. Wait I'm fourteen I forgot. And my birthday is in the next two months.
I was thinking, if they were to make condoms legal to minors in all states, why the hell don't they just lower the sex age?
Surprisingly enough the U.S does not have a Age Limit, but since it is over the counter most people assume that you must be 18-21 plus to get it.
cant minors already just go out and buy condoms? Thats what i thought at least ( i live in NJ so maybe its a NJ thing). if it isnt legal it should be.
Yeah okay look, when people here say that with an abundance of con-doms comes people having lots of sex. Just wrong. When con-doms are easy to come by and sex is talked about in schools the first sex rate of age goes up, which means less young kids are having sex. But when abstinence [****ing stupid christian ****] is taught, young sex and teen pregnancy is much more prevalent. It's pretty simple here but no, the christians always seem to come into these arguments and **** everything up. Con-doms are quite probably the number one invention of this century. It's prevented so much disease and saved milions upon millions of lifes and all it is is a piece of rubber. Infact I remember seeing the con-dom rated the number one invention on some TV show before =P EDIT: Buying con-doms at any age is not illegal...
The problem is, it is over the counter... Asking a man for condoms... How would you feel about it. They should not be there in the first place since it causes confusion. And Condoms should be promoted to children and teenagers.
i guess your right. i would be so embarased to do that. the only other way would be to do that self check out thing they have in shop rite =]