Wow, this is super-awesome-tacular. The layout is fantastic and you did a marvelous job of making use of that satellite area. This is without doubt the best conquest map ive seen on standoff period. I love the satellite part, its awesome, but the escapable factor makes me cringe. Becuase God knows that there are plenty of game-ruining d-bags out there. Good job nonetheless.
well this would have to be one of the few well made standoff maps out there and also its a good idea and it looks good too good job
Thanks for all the positive comment, guys. I'd like to see you all back here to tell me how it plays, because to me that's really what matters. Now to respond to some comments: You took the words right out of my mouth. The man speaketh the truth. Excellent question, and one that I'm happy to answer. The picture that I have showing the first territory is not where the teams spawn. They actually spawn right above it, and I have the territory radius set up to only activate when you've opened the door and go below into the room. From some of the testing that's been done, teams have completely overlooked that room and didn't even bother with flipping the switch, lol Worry not, sir. I really haven't experienced anyone that has purposely attempted to get out (L0n3 D31TY did it by accident), but Conquest itself is so fast-paced that it serves absolutely no purpose to escape. There's no high ground to get to to even if you have the sniper rifle. All you end up doing is hurt your teammates' chances of winning. Well...I hope it tastes good?
Just downloaded the map because I love conquest variants. And I am thoroughly impressed at a number of things: 1. - Choice of base layouts. Using a combination of shield doors, grav lifts, and man cannons, you made an effective barrier against escaping. Instead of using unsightly crates and teleporter nodes, this way I think makes it aesthetically superior 2. - Decision against entirely blocking off the map. Given Standoff's criminal lack of immovable items, you've done a great job at blocking off what you could and making it pleasing to the eye. From your panorama pic, it looks as though the Brandenburg Gate is in the background (although up close it isn't quite as resembling). I'm happy to see someone focused the map on interior gameplay rather than blocking the whole section off to prevent people from deliberately escaping. It really irks me when people download a map just to see if they can break it, only to post that they broke it. I'm glad you've built the map with serious players in mind. 3. Weapon choice. I was skeptical at first with the sniper rifles, but after checking out this map's sight lines it is a nice choice of a power weapon. I'm sure gameplay is hectic enough that it isn't too overpowering. I also like how you implemented battle rifles and carbines but did not make them the prominent weapon. I'm sure had the opposite been true gameplay would have stagnated with the ensuing battle rifle/carbine war instead of your current combined arms arrangement. All in all a very nice and different map for conquest. The interior aesthetics of the crates/barrels/whatever else is there looks superb. I only wish I could play a few competitive games on it because most, if not all, of my friends either loath any territories variant or have moved on to other games.
I'm really happy to see that this is attracting some intelligent feedback. I guess all of the "looks great, will DL" comments are better served to Foundry variants, lol. I really strived to bring something unique to the game of Conquest, and I thought using Standoff was a good start. I certainly appreciate you noticing the more aesthetically pleasing barriers (and the Brandenburg Gate comment). I originally had vehicles and such outside the bases to look at, but since I encountered the escapability factor with the launch pad area, I didn't want to give someone an incentive to get out and fart around in a Warthog or Wraith. Regarding the sniper rifles, the original Conquest map The Cellars uses them as well. It plays a little differently there because of the narrow linear layout that it has, but because of the ability to flank your opponent on Concussion's launch pad, sniper camping is still really difficult to pull off. I added the Needler as sort of a counter to it, because you can do some nice damage from far away to a stationary target like a camping sniper. Thanks again for your intelligent post. More people should take your example and play a couple of rounds or at least do a forgethrough and return with some comments, be it positive or negative. Shoot me a FR if you ever want to play some rounds on this. You might want to sign up for Predicide's party if you want in on the TGIF as well. He loves playing Conquest and has already played this in last weeks gaming session. He's such a great and wonderful guy and I know he'll keep it in rotation. [/suckup]
Well seeing as I am susceptible to flattery (lucky for you, squidsworth), absolutely!! I'm a sucker for Conquest so that's probably going to be my room whenever I can do TGIF. And of course Concussion will be on the list. Anything not on Foundry gets priority. Not just that it's not on Foundry, of course. Concussion is a seriously cool Conquest offering. The huge center really seems to attract the crowd. It's a bit tough to get into the enemy base, but it can be a real pay-off if you do. I'm glad this finally saw the light of day. I have been wondering about it for quite some time now. You finally made it work well, great job squidman.
Squid, my man, this looks awesome. I heard that this has been in the works for a while and it looks like it was worth the wait. Now, I haven't played it or even done a Forgethrough, but trust me, I will be doing both. I love Conquest and whenever I see a nice looking Conquest map I just have to have it. I am going to download and take a better look, but judging from the description and pics it certainly seems like you have pulled it off with grace and flair. 37 pieces of flair to be exact.
I like your creativity and the fact that you made this map on standoff. Looks like good forging, Ill dl when I get space cuz it looks pretty fun... 4/5
Thank you, gentlemen. I certainly appreciate your comments. This certainly did take a while to put out, but as Pred mentioned I believe it's worth it. I can't quite comment about the grace, but it definitely has all 37 pieces of flair, right there on my suspenders.
i really dont see the point of the map im not saying its a peice of crap but what i wanted to say is that it seems fairly bland and the territories are very close together plus its easy to teleport kill now and again. its an okay map but i dont think its the best you could have done.
Obviously you've never played a game of Conquest. And I defy you to teleporter camp on this. The custom powerup settings make you extremely hard to kill, and it respawns every 30 seconds right in front of the sender node. Not to mention the fact that you'll come out in one of three random elevated locations, making teleporter camping next to impossible. Please try not to judge gameplay by the pictures, it makes your comments have less meaning.
Whoa, don't you die on me! Well, as you and other may or may not be aware, I'm not the biggest fan of Conquest. I guess it can depend on the map also but I usually dont get a lot of enjoyment out of Conquest. Although I did in this map. I really liked it, possibly because of it's layout. It isnt like all the other Conquest maps with indentical bases with tunnels leading into eachother. I think the teleporters and the really large neutral playing feild really are what makes this shine. It too can depend on who you play with. I guess I was lucky to be playing with friends. Weapons were very fitting. No problems there. Best/most fun things to get your hands on were the Sniper, Brute Shot and Deployable Cover. When on the launch pad it varies in the style of fighting. All of which is hectic. It is such a perfect size. BRs were at the right range of combat, as were carbines. Needler took more skill to use in maintaining your crosshair on your enemy is easier said than done. Magnums, not much can be said about them. Spikers, SMG and Assault Rifle worked very well as it was close mid range combat. Surprisignly it didn't feel like AR spam. Sniper worked in all situations as it is a very adaptable weapon. Brute Shot could be devastating. It could easily destroy the sheilds or the deployable cover. Or just destroy in general. Nades were fitting, some nice spots to catch some nade clean ups. Power Drain was also quite devastating. Custom Powerup added a great touch to the map. As far as it being breakable, I did not notice in amongst the chaos that is Conquest. I dont see it being a big issue. I agree with you, you wanna break the map. Then screw you, go help your team. I really enjoyed the separate bases. It was such a shock to see the other team in your base. Like "Hey! What you doing here, GTFO!" Neenjas, sneaking into your base; brilliant. Overall it added a nice and slightly different battlefeild for Conquest. One which I really liked. I still have this on my HD so I'll probably be playing this again when I have the right party. It was a blast to play, well done squid. I loved your map.
Well, for a non-foundry map this looks pretty cool. The map does look like it's an arena type map though, and it seems to open. 3\5
I just saw your radius map an though it was increadible and I am quite impressed to see another increadible map made by you. Can't wait for cavity
nice job. This is a very unique idea. Who would of thought you could have a map other than foundry? Anyway the map layout looks great and it looks like it would be very good for ctf. 4.5/5 good work.
this is a very good map and it seems like a lot of fun. I like also that you did not build this on foundry because thats what everybody does. i have only played a few conquest maps but this is the best so far. 5/5 nice map