Concussion Games Pack

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Arch3m, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Hey, first post in a while. Let's make it worthwhile. Links to maps and game variant at the bottom.

    Concussion Games Pack

    We have here a pack of three minigames that all share a single game type. The three games all focus on the use of a Concussion Rifle, hence the pack name. But enough of the dull introductory details, let's dig in.



    Fly is a fairly modest game of don't fall to your death. I won't claim to be the first to do this, but it's not a bad way to start off. This map supports Team Slayer (Red and Blue only) and FFA Slayer. The goal is simple: Stay in the air and landing when you start to lose thrust. Push other players to their deaths using the tools at your disposal. Whoever has the least deaths wins. Assassinations award players with a bonus 5 points while dying takes one point away.

    There is a nice little warning zone when you're approaching the kill zone. When you see the countdown, you'd better start flapping your arms.


    Flap harder!


    Oh, and don't try to camp in your safe room if your team gets ahead.




    Let's mix things up a little. Push is all about knocking other players into a Killball at the back of the room. Players are suspended from the ceiling by shield doors, so movement is a little slippery. Push supports two teams (Red and Blue only), and also scores by least deaths.

    You can pretty much see the whole level right here.




    It's like Push, but in reverse! Teams are stuck in a rather small box with no way out. The Killball is set in the center of the room, and may be pushed around with Concussion Rifle shots. Roll the ball along the ridge-covered floor and into an enemy team to kill them. Once more, the team with the least deaths wins. This map supports up to four teams (Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow).

    Shoot that glowing menace into the other teams' spawn rooms! You can do it!



    The game mode offers players a three-second respawn timer, and a three-second respawn bonus of invincibility. Why the invincibility? All the games seem to involve making the players die by way of environmental hazards! Well, it may not seem immediately obvious, but in Roll, the Killball may linger over a team's spawn room. The three seconds offers players time to push the Killball away to a safe distance. Also, in FFA Fly, there's a rather small chance that another player will be waiting to assassinate you. Basically, a fail-safe in the event of players of ill moral standings.

    #1 Arch3m, Oct 21, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010

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