This is one of my most recent competitive maps. It supports 4-10 players, and slayer/ctf/oddball. It has good gameplay and aesthetics. (not trying to sound like a deusch by rating map, it really does, we tested and everybody was satisfied!) Onto the map: Rocket x1 Brute shot x1 spiker x2 bubble shield x1 regenerator x1 stick grenades x2 sniper x1 beam rifle x1 plasma rifle x2 needler x1 plasma grenades x2 battle rifle x8 shotgun x1 (assymetric) camoflauge x1 assault rifle x2 Overview of sniper window and defenders base. Another overview of defender base Regen spawn on bridge in defenders base(shotgun spawns on bottom left wall in assymetric games) Inside look at defenders base Stairs going up to defenders sniper. Overview of center. Brute shot spawn and bubble spawns below brute shot. Camoflauge spawn and rocket spawn (spiker sbelow rocket) over view of attackers base (attacker sniper window top left) Inside attacker base looking at camo spawn (plasma rifles spawn under walls I am standing on) Ramp up to attackers sniper Needler spawn with plasma's Testers: Xang Yang zzmonkeyz xironman kool19 windlos1452 sniptforu If I forgot your name PM me. Map-Concrete Jungle
Slow down! Try to make your posts look good. This being the hundredth post you've had today, you know you should at least put a fair sized description and a weapon's list like you did with your other competitive maps. Everything looks smooth except for the ramp on the right side of the 2nd to last pic. Still, I'm pretty impressed with your maps.
lol Rofl........... I'm only posting 6 maps today, lol. Yeah i have to leave for the week, so I feel like posting them all now. thanks for the constructive critisicm.
I know you really want to show off your ghost merging (which is incredibly simple actually), but really you should place at least one overview photo to get a general feel for the layout. Otherwise you did well. However I would still like to know how many mongooses are placed (this is a hint). Try to take more pride in your map posts in the future.
The map looks great but could you add a overview? Anyways I like the merging and how you used the whole map instead of cutting off the room part . Great job I'll see for myself how this map flows 8.5/10
I really see nothing wrong with it. I would not download a map depending on how well it was presented or whether or not it had a weapons list. Pictures are really all that matters, with a download link. Great map man. Good to see foundry is still being used. There are a few parts that look empty, but I'll download and check it out.
WHAT? If i used ghost merging, i wouild have said. Don't judge people on their forging without knowing the truth. I did not use ghost merging, personally, i hate it, it ruins forge
I downloaded this map a a few hours ago b4 i was a member. Me an my friends played on it and we all loved it. Realy fun and sniping in this level is awsome.
The layout had a very planned out feeling to it. Whether or not this is true it seems that you were very conscious about it. The only thing i can complain about is that the way that the weapons are placed, it gives it a lopsided feeling to it.
thx Yes, this was planned out., thanks for noticing. This map was made in mind for long sight lines. Yous should check out Paradox, A similiar map like this posted farther down the page, and Pipes, a conquest map posted farther down the page.