Please note that this map has been revamped. There is a new thread for the redo. I'm trying to figure out how to just remove this thread but I don't see that option... I realize there have been other CONSTRUCT remakes that have been floating around Bungie's site for a while. A couple of them have been quite good while the vast majority of the others have been... well, bad. I've spent a TON of time on this one and have had it up on Bungie before. I've made some final revisions and have uploaded the newest and hopefully final version of this map. For those who loved CONSTRUCT, this map will not disappoint. It feels and plays exactly like CONSTRUCT. Even the less known grenade up the back wall trick works. There are however a couple of small exceptions. As we all know, getting gravity lifts to work properly is a problem. Especially when they need to span several floors. The lifts on this map will get your player there but grenades... not so much. I'd like to see Bungie add some sort of scalable beam type lift to the forge world (crossing fingers). Bottom line with this remake is that you will feel instantly at home. When you spawn, you'll know exactly where you are and where to go without having to think twice about it. A couple of changes from the original--- The Pink Lifts on the lowest level begin as a transporter which puts you at the start of the true gravlift on the main level- which then takes you to the top. I didn't want to do it this way but it works well and prevents players from dropping down. I realize that one-way shields will also prevent this but, when you check this out you'll see that it works just fine. Being that there is no Missile Pod in Reach, you'll find a Rocket Launcher with minimal ammunition and maximum respawn. Also without the Mauler, you'll find 2 opposing Shotguns, also with minimal ammunition. The Sniper Bridge area required a little tweaking to make it to where you can jump onto it from the bridge directly below--- This was done because Reach Spartans can't jump quite as high as the Chief can. If you want the real Construct experience, play this map in "Classic Slayer" mode. Though it is pretty fun to jet pack around the map, and, there are lots of long runs with which to fool your opponents with the hologram loadout. I've done extensive testing with 4v4 slayer and FFA as well. Flag, Headhunter, Assault, Territories, and KOTH also play very well on this map. Enjoy and please leave feedback. If you have a better solution for grav-lift issues I would also love to hear them. Enjoy!
Dude you should of been around earlier yo would of gotten to enter this into the forgotten treasures contest i think you would of came in the top 5 because this map is an amazing remake i especially like the way you used the glass covers at the top mid but the only thing i have to say bad is: Did you scale it down a little? i only ask because it looks a bit small from the pictures thanks Wrek
This looks good, but nobody can make a GOOD remake for a couple of reasons: You can't recreate the lift 100%, no matter how hard you try, and you can't throw grenades up the lift, and that was a HUGE part of Construct, but this has to be the best remake of Construct i have seen. Congrats.
Thanks for the good comments. I spent a couple days trying different lift options and... well it's like you said, they just won't work right. As far as scale goes it's pretty spot on. Try it out. I'd love to see this make it into the favorites at Bungie. Maybe it will prompt them into adding some new grav-lift options and I'd love to play Construct online again.
I downloaded this map and was extremely impressed, it is too bad that you did not make it into contest because it really is a toss up between yours and the one that made 2nd place in the contest. I take it the vehicle cannon does not work well at all? There is a thread on that I am part of with a list of all remakes we are working on finding the best one for each map I will make sure yours will be considered. PM if you want to join the testing group or if you just want the address.
Awesome map, I love Construct and I've seen a bunch of "decent" remakes but I have a feeling this one is on the money. You got my DL.