Legendary DLC Concealed

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by oFatalAcex, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. Anarchist Rob

    Anarchist Rob Forerunner

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    wow bro I would have to say you have *Explicit Forge Master* skills like me and I'm impressed, I usually am not impressed with any maps here but I'm starting to see improvements. Good job and here's a million dollars, oops well Its here in mind : P
  2. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    This map looks amazing man. When I saw the screenshots I had to que this for download. I can tell that you put a whole lot of time into this map due to the well merging, and I know how it feels to spend countless amounts of hours forging. I'll Check it out when I sign into live.

  3. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    MLG Darkness has been on my hard drive since I first came across it, it is my favourite Blackout map by far and I know this is going to be the map to take its place. Great work and thankyou.
  4. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Concealed is an interesting map. So few maps are created on blackout worth any mention, so it’s always nice for players to get a breath of fresh air so to speak, a break from everything else that they are used to when playing Halo 3. However, there is a host of design flaws that make the map less enjoyable such as grenades getting stuck by the man cannons and poor map flow. The biggest factor reducing the enjoyment of this map being that the bottom floor of Blackout is not blocked off. It is very rarely used, and when it was used its main purpose is for camping. Also the weapons are almost impossible to find and the lack of variation from the Battle Rifle frustrates those who are not MLG pro. The darkness of the map was cool aesthetically and added a mystique to the other players that many enjoyed.



    Balance was a key trait this map lacked. One team spawned high up and was blessed with a decent view of the opposition’s spawn, while the other started the game on a far out random place in the map near a giant wall. But that doesn’t compare to the maps flow problems. The map creator attempted to renovate Blackout into something that could be played properly, but what ended up happening was another map created and portions of Blackout randomly blocked of, creating a map with two styles of play. The top half was basic arena skill style while the bottom was (incredibly underused) created with a more tricky intelligence style, and that did not complement itself at all. Besides the fact that the bottom of the map was ignored by most players it was an excellent place to disappear for a couple minutes or so if you’ve got a close lead. The weapons were decent choices for the map, just not cleverly placed. They felt out of touch and got used in strange ways for their locations. Spawns on the map were very well placed, but interestingly random at times and once a game a player spawned with the wrong team near them. They did not complement map flow on the top floor even if they were located well, and it caused some areas to be ignored.



    The spawn system was slightly exploitable. For instance, the start of a round found blue team able to grenade red team instantly but not vice versa. And red team could see blue’s starting area after about two spots from their starting spawns. There were several minor holes, and only one actual map break could be found, a problem that already was common in the default Blackout map as well.



    Aesthetically Concealed had a few intriguing qualities, such as the fact that it is built on Blackout and uses a different set of items as opposed to the more generally used Foundry and Sandbox objects. The use of Man Cannons to light up the darker pathways is rather brilliant, but sometimes has repercussions; often a grenade will get thrown with the intent of bouncing up into a players face, but it will actually stick to the ground until it gets kicked and blown up. Also a player walking across one of these lit platforms may trigger the noise associated with the Man Cannons, and alert other players his/her location. Most of the merging however was clean and creative, and the overall dark effect on the top of the map was just cool.



    While there are few maps built outside of sandbox and foundry, it still is common enough now that superlative bonuses cannot be awarded simply for the canvas. This map attempted to turn Blackout into an arena style map, and while it may not have done the best job of that it did a pretty damn good one. It has a unique and dark feel to it that is very interesting, and the flow structure is borderline genius with just a few simple updates to the map. However nothing about it is unique enough or new enough to allow for one to properly enjoy this category or the map to its fullest.


    [floatleft]Enjoyment Rating
    Balance Rating
    Durability Rating
    Aesthetic Rating
    Originality Rating[/floatleft][​IMG]
    M A P . R A T I N G
  5. TheKingOfCrash7

    TheKingOfCrash7 Forerunner

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    I love everything about this map and what i think is the best is u took a kinda cramped 4v4 map and expanded it to easily support 4v4. Gameplay really gets interesting with new movement on the map that u arent familiar with on blackout. And i really dont think the darkness thing is a problem, especially with the lifts as lights. 10/10 especially for originality/creativity
  6. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd like to thank everone who keeps playing this map and has downloaded it, I honestly didn't expect it to get as many downloads as it did, so thanks for that.

    @Death Yoyo First off thanks for reviewing my map. When making this map all the structures came out the way I planned for the most part. As far as gameplay goes I honestly didn't play test it extensively to tweak all the spawns and weapons, i was mainly just trying to get it finished and released. I'm not sure how you play but eveyone I've ever played with on the map never complained about map flow or the mancannons making noise's when you walk over them, or gernades getting stuck in the map.

    As far as originality goes i was trying to do something original but didn't want it to be unfair for anyone who played. I play alot of MLG Customs and wanted a little bit of variety, i wanted to have an MLG style map for every Map instead of playing on all the maps on the circuit over and over again

    Death Yoyo: "Also the weapons are almost impossible to find and the lack of variation from the Battle Rifle frustrates those who are not MLG pro."

    I posted this for people that play MLG, thats why it is under the MLG section of forgehub so im sorry if i didn't want the map to be over powered by some other stupid weapon. It's simple if you don't like MLG weapons, DONT DOWNLOAD THIS MAP!

    Halo Reach is almost here and I'm super excited to see what people will be making in forge. Expect to see me release a map pack of DMR Tournament map, DMR 1v1 Arena map and DMR Octogan map Titled: DMR Warm Up Pack the first week of release.

    Also I sketched up an MLG 4v4 TS map which I will release towards the beginning of reach's realease but want to get more familiar with the muiltplayer and MLG aspect of the game first. Anyways here's the sketch up Link. It's the first one on the page drawn on a piece of paper.
    #26 oFatalAcex, Aug 31, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2010

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