I was playing a game today, then my monitor suddenly turned black, it was still displaying the green light. Now my mouse, keyboard, monitor and disc drives don't work. When I turn the computer on the cylinder light thingy is always on. Does anyone know how to fix it? I am running XP on a really old computer.
Do this in this order. Reboot. If it the problem persists: Restore to factory settings. If the problem persists: Check/reinstall your drivers. If the problem persists: Reformat computer and reinstall Windows. If the problem persists: I give up, buy a Mac and let Apple deal with it.
Try to unplug everything and replug it...if that doesn't work try plugging in a new monitor and try that...and try that for your keyboard and mouse, idk thats all I have to offer for now.
Ya, as frag man said, try using a separate monitor. I would never run xp on an old computer though, I bet your computer is really slow.
Do you get a BIOS screen? Try booting your computer up into a Linux environment (LiveCD, doesn't matter because you won't be installing). Check the connectors inside the computer. I'm suspecting the connections to the I/O board.