If you are an RPG fan, Neverwinter Nights: Diamond, or Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind or wait til September 7th because Spore comes out then... I am not quite familiar with computer shooters though.
Battlefield 1942, 2 and 2142 as well as secret weapons of WW2. All good games, also I have all the half life games and Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edtion. Oh yeah G Mod but I don't really play that much anymore.
Cool you say you have halo get 2 and 3 then get call of duty 4 (incase you suck at halo 3) and also get soul calibur 4 its awsome
i thought it was a board game.. i love Myst.. its a kinda puzzle game type thing. il basically play anything so i liked Heroes of Might and Magic.. I don't play it much but its a fun little thing to do in your spare time
Well, I'm not sure whether it's out for Mac, but can't your mac like run BootCamp or something to run windows stuff? Or is it all too hard? >.< C&C3 is another RTS aswell. (Still not sure if it's out for mac)
Would have responded sooner, but I've been gone for about a day. Friends consume time like a sponge consumes dirty, mildly soapy water. Oh, add F.E.A.R. to the list, if you haven't played it already.
Age of Mythology full edition with titan expansion Dungeon Siege legends of aranna Dungeon siege 2 Battlefield 2142 CoD's 1-4 Battlefield Battlefield 1942 Guild Wars (Like WoW but one time payment of $50, and an additional 50 for each expansion.) Halo 2 because of Map editor if you can run vista Age of Empires Chrysis Orange Box (consists of half life 1 and 2, team fortress 2, and portal) All I got for now.