Map Name: Complexity One tower. So many possibilites! Description: A tower that reflects the insane nature of Halo 3 gameplay. It is a fairly balanced map with many ways of getting up or down its main feature, the central tower. The tower, as the map name suggests, is very complex and players new to the map may get lost! There are many weapons on the tower, but don't let that go to your head, because players on the ground have vehicles, so raining death down upon them will not be as easy as you think! Gametype: Suprisingly, I think just about any Kill-Count-Oriented game will work on this map. Unfortunately, I have yet to make a gametype pertaining to it. Download it!: EDIT by Furious: Please name the thread the same as the map. Thanks.
Re: Complexity: Your Mind Will Reel! Im guessing you new here. Every time you post a map, you have to AT LEAST embed screenshots, or everyone gets angry. Read this topic here to learn how to post a super sav topic.
Re: Complexity: Your Mind Will Reel! My mind is reeling at the barbarity of this post. :squirrel_wtf: