that pic where you see spawn points is only a section of the spawn areas. and it's misleading because much of the architecture associated with them is missing. plus, it wasn't even intended to show the spawn system. The respawn points might look a bit dense in the picture, but they're not random.
very nice.. the layout looks very nice and the anesthetics tie in very well. i like the over walk on the wall, thats very nice. seems pretty good, ill have to dl and try out before i say anything else.
Very nice. I like the sniper ledge, however, the walkways to get up to it could have been done better. They look ok, but they could be better. Try adding something a little more aestheticaly applealing to those walkways. There is a lot of openess to the map, which would make the sniper ledge an big advantage point, maybe a little too much. I would consider moving it down about a block or so to lessen the advantage. Also maybe make it so the walkways to get up there come from the roof of the main building.
well, I decided you were right about the walkways, so with the V3 update I added some support columns and smoothed em out. I hope that's aesthetically appealing enough. The sniper ledge is definitely an advantage point, but not for very long. That's because there isn't much cover up there, there aren't very many good lines of sight, there's a bunch of BRs and a bunch of plasma grenades on the map, and the sniper rifle has low ammo. You can get off a couple of good shots from there, but it draws attention, and with little cover, you won't last long.
I like the look of the sniper legde, could be a vital point to control in games. In the last picture the sheild door looks abit unfitting for the rest of the map. but nice work Fatgezzer
I'm sorry if there's any confusion about the last picture. That is not what the map looks like. It's just there to show the layout of the building. that shield door is very fitting, I assure you. V4 update fixed KOTH. added 2nd hill to bottom mid. added aesthetics to spawn areas, as well as some overhead cover. tweaked respawns, although it will be impossible to make them perfect, due to the nature of the sniper ledge. merged the obilesks at the back of the roof further into the wall, so you can no longer get on top of them. if there are any other changes you think should be made, let me know right away. thanks!