Sandbox Complex

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Kurty66, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. Kurty66

    Kurty66 Ancient
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    To be played with Snipers FFA



    Complex is a small arena map to be played with Snipers FFA. No weapons or equipment have yet been placed on this map. Only gametypes like Feista that do not require weapon pickups are playable although it was based on Snipers in mind. The map is basically a 2 story building that is built in a square, where the perimeter is the interior. You do not want to be the one caught in the centre area.





    What awaits below.​

    What's high in the sky.
    #1 Kurty66, Jun 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    It looks okay, i wouldnt have put my name in the sky... It looks quite well forged. I also think that this is a little tiny to play snipers on and i think that it would be better for normal FFA. Either way good job on the map.
  3. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    I love that first pic... ... ...

    Anyways, back to earth. You did a splendid job with aesthetics. You annihilated the symmetry and your accuracy is... well.. accurate, so well done.

    I am still confused why you have not placed a default layout of weapons. It's nice you made this with snipers in mind, but if you want to maximize the interest of your viewers, you should supply at least the basic of details. Besides, you can easily rig a gametype to "no weapons on map" or disable "weapon pickup" so that would not be a problem.

    Which brings be to another point. You said you wouldn't want to be caught in the middle. I agree which also means no will go out there: there is nothing valuable in the center other than cheap kills for your opponent. Which would, in the end, confine most of the fighting to your perimeter. You could solve this by blocking the side perimeter forcing people to come into the middle, but I don't like that idea and i doubt you would either.

    So from my perspective, you need to complete the map with weapons. I do see this being used for other gametypes other than slayer, it is a very nice map.
  4. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    it looks like a map that might be fun to play a few rounds on, but it doesnt seems like it might get old. I also dont understand how you think its a snipers map, its so small, at least i hate playing small sniper maps.

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