
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Mearm, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    Map made by Mearm and Parune. Use with Protest game variant.
    Now when Parune and I made this map, we were thinking about what kind of infection map to make, and we just started forging. At first, we came up with a haunted school, but that didn't work out. Then we came up with an office complex. We both liked the idea, and started to make the map. As we created it, we added in many different ideas and features, such as the completely decimated front lobby, and the cubicles section. You may recognize some features from The Lab, and that's fine, as both Parune and I like to make infection maps like that. The return from The Lab is the Storage section, to some extent, as it seems to be the only real thing that has returned from The Lab.
    Weapons on the map include: SMG, Assault Rifle, Brute Shot, Carbine, Shotgun, Needler and Magnum.
    This is where the zombies spawn. One of the most noticable things about our maps is that they are completely destroyed. Our style of infection maps look like we took the map, made it, added all of the barrels and boxes and scenery, then took it and threw it all over the place. And that's exactly what we did.
    This is where the humans spawn. They usually spawn in part of the storage section and in the cubicle section. When you play in this map with the mode made for it, you have probably 3 seconds to run before the zombies reach you.
    There isn't much of a plot for this map but basically; Angry protesters are trying to destroy the company. They took it a little too far, and you can tell by some of these pictures, especially the picture of the lobby.
    The mode made for this map is called Protest. The features of this mode are: Protesters have 200% speed, 150% gravity, 50% sheilds, 50% damage and have infinate ammo gravity hammers. Employees have magnums with limited ammo, but can pick up other weapons on the map. The weapons though, are set so that they don't respawn, and they only have one clip of ammo, so be careful how you use them.
    Some parts of the map are very hard to get past when you're a zombie, as you can't jump very high. Also, when you are a zombie, don't rush a camping person with a gravity hammer in an open area. It doesn't end well.
    One of the most interesting parts (I would say) about this map is the Reactor Chamber. I'm not really sure what came over me when I made this, or how a office complex can have a Nuclear Reactor in it anyway, but this is probably the most camped spot in the map, as it has teleporters, open space, and a bridge made of man cannons, but be VERY careful when in this area. One gravity hammer can knock you right into the explosives in the bottom, and they will kill almost anything in this section if set off...
    Now it is time, once more, for the action shots.
    Angry protesters did this? Wow were they mad.
    Camp the teleporters! And please don't stare at me like that, I'm getting uncomfortable.
    Hiding in a sink; only sucessful until the zombies find you.
    This probably won't end well...
    Explosives are very useful on this map, aren't they?

    This map was made by both me and Parune. This may not be the most glamorous of maps, but we tried it, and it was pretty fun. As for the game mode, maybe it's not perfect, but it's still fun. Cast for the pictures is: Mearm, Parune, Darth Bane97, Darth Bane97's Guest. Thanks everybody and please post your comments.

    Here is a link to the map:
    And here is a link to Protest:
    #1 Mearm, Sep 23, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  2. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    although the map seems fun and the manconnon birge is pretty cool i would clean this map up a bit because if there is interlocking in this map it is very sloppy. if i were you i would clean the map up a little because there are a lot of places that look like things were just thrownm around. maybe thats what you meant to do i dont know but anyways okay map 2.5/5 keep forging
  3. The Boris Way

    The Boris Way Ancient
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    I love this map, cause I got to through a sign into a refrigerator, a forklift into the bar, and I came up with the cannon man bridge. 5/5 coz itz aewsomze!
    No realy I love these types of maps.
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Looks like a really nice map and the game would flow pretty well, but it's way too cluttered to me, and I don't really like random objects everywhere. I'd give it a 4.5/5 because of course, it's more about the gameplay.
  5. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    This is a bad thing CAMPING it is n o fun for the other team at all causing them to quit witch would resort in bad game play. 2.9/10
  6. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    Isn't camping the entire point behind infection?
    EDIT:During testing, we found that camping is difficult because of the gravity hammers.

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