Complex N-39

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by NeverlessWonder, Dec 30, 2007.

  1. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Complex N-39

    This is my best forge yet, and I have spent an entire week working on it. I would really like to know what the members of Forge Hub think of it. So if you guys could check this out, maybe play a few games on it and let me know what you think, that'd be great. I'm not getting any specific feedback on the forums, and I really want to know what people like and dislike so I can make better maps.

    Here's a few pics. For more, check the slideshow.





    This is an indoor battle complex, perfect for Swat, CTF, Assault, Team Slayer.... or anything else you want to play on it. All gametypes are setup. It is highly suggested though that you change a few settings since this is a small map.
    1. Change the primary weapon to SMGs.
    2. Shorten respawn times to 4-5 seconds.
    3.If you're playing an objective game, shorten the amount of time it takes to return the flag, or arm/disarm the bomb.

    There are three levels, Defense starts in the basement, and Offense starts on the top floor. Combat varies, as there are small hallways and rooms for closequarters as well as wide open spaces for midrange combat. Weapons on the map include: BRs, Sentinel Beams, Brute Shot, Hammer, Shotguns, and Rockets(only 2).

    Here I have a slideshow giving you as best a tour I can give in picture format. It features all the main areas and weapons/equipment. I would've used action shots but they would've been distracting.

    Description cont.
    The basement is very large, so I placed a service elevator(gravlift) to quickly get you back to the first floor. Across from this is the actual elevator which will take you to the top floor, and next to it is an elevator shaft you can fall through from the top floor to get to the basement quickly.
    In Room 2, (which defense should be controlling) is a teleporter to the basement leading to the Camo Attic. Camo Attic can be reached by conventional means as well, this is just a shortcut. Next to Camo Attic is the Hammer Hallway, so use that to your advantage. To counter this, I gave Offense quicker access to the BruteShot/Overshield hallway.

    More info:
    The map layout is closely balanced; the last three days I spent working on this were focused on testing and balancing the map. Also, in the making of this map I used the budget glitch, so I actually spent more than $700 on this map. But even with that, I had a hard time placing as much as I did. In the end, the map is completely closed off but for one exit. It's not at all very noticeable, and if you're playing a game on it I'm sure no one will find it. If they do, well there's nothing out there anyway and they'll be stuck with nothing to do and no way back in until the game ends.
  2. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Re: Complex N-39 Indoor battleground / All gametypes.

    Come on Forge Hub. I thought this was supposed to be the best forge group out there. 54 views and not one comment? I'm doing my part and checking others' maps, you won't return the favor?

    Maybe I came to the wrong place, because so far this still feels like the bungie forums.
  3. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Re: Complex N-39 Indoor battleground / All gametypes.

    A few problems:

    1) Don't double post
    2) Don't insult the community and expect what you want
    3) Don't put 4 pics that show that your map is mediocre at best

    there's your comment
  4. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: Complex N-39 Indoor battleground / All gametypes.

    I've actually played some games here with Neverless and a few other people. In my opinion, this map follows the cardinal rule of map creation: create interesting spaces to maximize the variability of encounters.

    No one wants to have the same fight over and over again: see enemy, shoot at enemy with AR, charge enemy, melee enemy. That is boring. Neverless created a three story battleground with several interesting lines of sight and elevation changes to create interesting areas that will lend themselves to interesting, and thus fun, encounters.

    Suggesting an SMG start to matches is another thing that sets this map apart, and it works really well in the game. My only complaint about the games we played is that we had radar enabled, and it made me focus on the radar more than my screen.

    True, this is not a novel map. There is nothing ground-breaking or earth-shattering here. But does there need to be? I love playing unique, innovative mini-games and maps with novel gimmicks, but at the end of the day, I want to play a fun, balanced game of Halo, and this map is just what I'm looking for.

    If the community chooses to overlook this map because it's "just another map," it's a shame, but it's understandable. I, for one, would love to play this again when my HaloBox gets fixed. Neverless, sign me up for another game of it, and can we try assault too? I remember you telling me about it.
  5. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: Complex N-39 Indoor battleground / All gametypes.

    Sarge is 100% correct (though slightly mean ;)). Double-posting is grounds for banning. Secondly, your second post was at 2:45 in the morning (EST). You can't honestly expect all of ForgeHub to be on at 2:45 on New Year's Day, bro. That's just silly. Would you release a map on Christmas Eve and expect ten rave reviews by the day after Christmas? I don't think so.

    On to me being nice: I really like the map. I'm unsure on how the two rockets play out, since I'm a nerd for balance and low amounts of power weapons, but I have yet to see it, so it could totally work. From what I can see from the pictures, it doesn't look bad at all. I would highly recommend putting at least eight pictures up, and try to show more varied angles of your map.

    As Furious said, it's nothing original, but it appears well-done, which is the other acceptable type of map. =) I'll queue and let you know what I think after I've actually played it. Keep up the good work, and welcome to ForgeHub!
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Re: Complex N-39 Indoor battleground / All gametypes.

    i also really like balanced gametypes, this looks pretty good...kinda unrelated, but does it work good in SWAT?
  7. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    Re: Complex N-39 Indoor battleground / All gametypes.

    Agreed. If we look we don't have to post, is there a rule that says we have to?
  8. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Re: Complex N-39 Indoor battleground / All gametypes.

    Double posting is not a ban able offense. It is looked down upon and can be a trigger for a ban, but standing alone, a double post will not get you banned.
  9. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Re: Complex N-39 Indoor battleground / All gametypes.

    Umm, yeah ok. Sorry about the double post. Only did it because it was on the third page and had 54 views/no comments. I was afraid if someone didn't post soon, it would be lost and it's not often people go digging 10 pages back to see if there's something they missed.
    I wasn't expecting anyone to be on. I just bumped it so it would be noticed in the morning.

    Oh and sarge? Thank you for being such a jackass about it. I'll remember that. And I'm so sorry I didn't completely revolutionize the game of Halo here. I've seen lots of maps on FH that are, as you would say, mediocre. So back off.

    I do have 8 pictures, but they are in the slideshow. I picked 4 of them to better show off the map. And since it's an enclosed 3 story building, it's very cramped and hard to take pictures of that make any sense. So I couldn't really take more.
    I feel like I've done enough. I gave a detailed description, I gave 8 pictures for a small map... that I think should be enough.

    So thanks to the people who backed me up and actually told me something about my map. Insane54, I built the map for SWAT and all other gametypes so it should work. I haven't actually played SWAT on it... (Xboxlive connections are crap for everyone lately, and all my friends are playing other games they got for Christmas so I can't really get a party together anymore.) But I've played multiple games of slayer and they worked fine.
  10. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Re: Complex N-39 Indoor battleground / All gametypes.

    you're welcome... that's what happens when me or my friends are insulted
  11. Fitzypatrick413

    Fitzypatrick413 Ancient
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    Re: Complex N-39 Indoor battleground / All gametypes.

    Damn Straight^^^[/font][/font][/font][/font][/font]

  12. Fitzypatrick413

    Fitzypatrick413 Ancient
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    Re: Complex N-39 Indoor battleground / All gametypes.

    wow, i suck with fonts.

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