Complex 09A - Sidelonged I've been tinkering with this map for some time now and I finally feel that it's ready. The map supports ALL gametypes, but I prefer neutral assault, slayer, king of the hill and team slayer. Complex 09A is a forged Foundry map which focuses on open and close-quarters combat. It features both original bases with a central arena in the warehouse with many ways in, out and around. This map is fast approaching 200 downloads on Thanks to anyone here who has downloaded/played/commented on/rated my map! [size=10pt]- Download here - Overview 1 [img width=800 height=450][/img] Overview 2 [img width=800 height=450][/img] Overview 3 [img width=800 height=450][/img] Overview 4 [img width=800 height=450][/img] From behind each base the map works in two ways. A player can choose to take the top shield door route or the bottom route. Taking the top route leads the player along a short walkway and into the central area. Taking the lower route leads the player around the walled central area to its rear entrance. Players taking the lower route should note that there are also one or two other ways to jump the wall and gain access to the centre. Once inside the centre there are numerous ways up and out. Below: Behind one of the two bases. [img width=800 height=450][/img] Below: Taking the top box leads onto the walkway. [img width=800 height=450][/img] Below: Taking the lower box leads around the map to the rear entrance [img width=800 height=450][/img] I designed this map to be almost symmetrical but still balanced. A spartan laser on one side, for example, is countered by a sniper rifle on the other. Each team can get from one side to the other in the same space of time. Shield doors, at the main entrances to each base, reduce grenade spam and give defenders an extra line of defence. - Sign A points to that team's laser, regenerator, and active camo. [img width=800 height=450][/img] - Sign B points to that teams's sniper rifle, deployable cover and overshield. [img width=800 height=450][/img] - A shotgun, energy sword (in the back corridor), brute shot and power drainer are available as first-come, first-served. - Battle rifles, plasma stickies and a couple of duals are also available. - Finally the rocket launcher lies under Sign A < > Sign B at the top of the map. Run along the fence boxes and use a jump and a grav lift to grab it. [img width=800 height=450][/img] Please give the map a try. Let me know what you think. I welcome constructive criticism with open arms. But I hope that you'll enjoy it and play a few different gametypes on it. I definitely reccommend Neutral Assault. - Download here -
Sounds good, but you have so many pictures im having trouble piecing the map together. Instead of taking a picture of every little detail, try and get your map in 4 or 5 wide-angle shots. Seriously, wayyy to many pictures. Try and cut out a few if you can, because some of them (like the shot of the laser) is completely unncessary and just clutters up the thread.
Yeah, chopped a few. On the thread at there's links to them all anyway. Let me know what you think of the actual map though! Thanks.
Well, I don't think there are wayyyyyy to many pictures on here. I think it is perfect and a perfect description as well. This is how everyone should post a map. As for that map, I will queue it and play it later on either today or tomorrow. Hopefully I can get back to you.
Thanks Crook3d. I'd really appreciate any comments about weapon placement, grenade placement etc. Hope you enjoy it though!
Ok, is that bridge up high near the rockets supposed to be crooked? It looks really weird. I got a chance to check this map out in Forge and I'm happy to say that it looks very good. I like the layout, how it seems symmetrical at first glance but then you realize that it isn't. Also, I'm guessing it offers a lot of encounter variety, and that's the foundation of great gameplay. At first, I didn't like the location of the shotgun so near a shield door. But then I realized that there are several ways in there, and the fusion coil helps to discourage camping. I now think that the shotgun placement is very nice. I'm guessing that the rockets are pretty powerful in this map, with them spawning so high above the action. I can picture myself camping up there and taking out 3-4 guys with the one launcher. I was a little concerned about the respawn points, so I switched over to CTF to see if there would be too much spawn camping. I noticed that you put down respawn areas, which is always good. It means you were thorough. Then I noticed that there was only one Respawn Area, Flag Away. I eventually found it and realized that it was set to Neutral. I never thought of that. I would have put two down at the exact same size, like an idiot. Nice shortcut. I'm stealing that one. I was a little confused why you didn't put anything in the central location directly above the shotgun. It seems like it would be a great place for a power weapon or something. Why isn't there anything there? I was also a little concerned about the exits of the bases. There are only two ways out, and both are covered by shield doors. Have you seen any spawn camping with this setup? Overall, very nice map. I'm saving this one until I can get people together to play a game on it.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm concerned about the rocket platform being uneven, I'm going to have to check that out when I next load up the game. I'm glad you like the shotgun placement, if you look there is also a small gap on the level above that allows a player to throw a grenade on top of the fusion coil, so there are at least four ways to get some frags in there to stop a camper. There are a couple of reasons there isn't a weapon on the top of the central location. 1. This is a territory and hill location, and there's already 2 BR's and a shotgun at the location. 2. The bridge is the start of the 'rocket run' so I'm trying to get players to move along the bridge and onto the central fence box, and onto other parts of the map. 3. Finally I was very concious about not having too many weapons and equipment items on the map. At one point there was a hammer, bubble shields, and a needler in various locations, and a power drain at the end of the bridge above the shotgun. So I decided to remove them and tone things down a bit. I agree that the rocket location is a great way to get a few kills, so that's why the rockets have a 3 minute respawn, the grav lift must be used, this has a 90 second respawn and the walkway to the rockets is very open. Incidentally, the 'rocket run' can also be used to jump the walls at the bases and act as another way in. I haven't seen any spawn camping so far, I've tried to distribute the spawns well, for example the defender's, and attacker's respawn areas go beyond the base wall to a few spawn points out in the warehouse. Did you find (and like) the overshield and camo locations? One final thing: for team games depending on whether you play assymmetric or symmetric gametypes, doors will spawn in the middle corridor, blocking the sword off, therefore blocking the middle of the corridor, which forces flag, bomb carriers out into the centre. Thanks again for the feedback and let me know how your game goes on the map.
Looks well done. A couple of things look a tad crooked but other than that everything seems to be accurate. Nice job.
Yeah I'm annoyed that a couple of things are a little off. I spent ages trying to line everything up, but this was before I knew about interlocking. I could go back and put the final polish on but I'm very happy with the way it plays and I can use the time to focus on new maps.