completely hidden booby trap

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DeceitfulPillow, Dec 12, 2008.

  1. DeceitfulPillow

    DeceitfulPillow Ancient
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    Hey guys, I am here to show you what I hope NOBODY has ever done.

    It is a booby trap that is entirely hidden from view and is activated upon coming in contact with a wall.

    This is how it works.

    1. You place a fence wall right up against the wall you want the trap to come out on. (The wall must be the flat side of a Closed Double Box)

    2. Set the Box (wall) so that it spawns 180 secs into the game.

    3. Start a new round and you should just have the Fence Wall.

    4. On the side of the wall that the box was on place a dumpster up against the wall. Place two doors right behind it, on their sides, and then lean a man cannon on the second door, tilted just enough toward the ground so that there is no blue distortion out side of the fence.

    5. Set the man cannon to a 10 second spawn and not at start. no spawn the wall again (the box) and set it at spawn 10 secs and not at start.

    Now, 10 secs after the game has started, the trap will have activated.

    How it works is once the box and man cannon spawn over the already placed dumpster, the dumpster is in a state of slumber, it doesn't know that it is inside of a box. Now, once a player comes into contact with the wall where the dumpster is, even if they just barely tap it while walking, the dumpster will "wake up" and fly out of the box at the unsuspecting target.

    The trap only works correctly once, as every time the dumpster respawns, it will fly directly out, so it is recommended to set the dumpster to no respawn unless you want it to fly out.

    Here is a canvas of the trap already completed.

    If you use this trap in once of your maps, and someone asked about the trap, please give credit to me, DeceitfulPillow.
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
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  3. DeceitfulPillow

    DeceitfulPillow Ancient
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    ...Guess I posted too late. Should have posted it back in August >.<
  4. drak

    drak Ancient
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    lol its okay guy, many new switches are being found out, and many unreleased ones (like the ones on h3a...) were shown in Goatsnads's Rube Goldberg...I suggest you check it out, but watch it real nice and slow...
  5. DeceitfulPillow

    DeceitfulPillow Ancient
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    yeah I'll have to find it, but I will defend my right as first founder of the trick, but not first poster.
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I actually noticed the touch sensitive switch back in june while building a map of mine (accidentally). I'm sure others before me have seen it too. The trick is finding a use for it!
  7. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    ya it is a good trap that can be used very well but already found. There are other tricks you can use for it though. Like if you go to walk for a rocket launcher and walkover a pallet you might alter the whole map or something... It is just a good switch to know. I may put up some tutorials for switches because I have not seen one for RB switches which can be used in zombie maps very well because both zombie and human can use them. Well hope this helped someone.

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