This playlist will be: 4 vs 4 Pre-set game loadouts Forced respawn timers No instant respawn Ordnance on re-supply timers Join-in-progress off No split-screen play Friendly fire on Max party size 4 with big party matching enforced No guests allowed I'm liking the sound of it so far, and it's specifically aimed at complimenting the CSR system. On a side note, has anyone been watching AGL Chicago?
This does sound pretty good so far. I haven't played MM much aside from a couple games in the community playlist, so hopefully this can be my drive to do something other than forge. The only problem I have with ther listing is Ordinance. Regarding the competitive setting, I personally believe static spawns are the better option for the simple fact that the waypoints on the latter are broken. The reward in obtaining a powerful weapon undiscovered, a strong factor in gameplay IMO, is nonexistent with them. Nonetheless, I look forward to this. No flinching in an MLG-like playlist is a scary thought, haha.
Something tells me Bravo's been working.. Only questions: What about sprint and personal ordnance? Also agreed @ auburn.
I would imagine personal ordnance would be removed. In a competitive environment, I'm sure 343 will look for any way to remove randomness from the playlist, which is why they're restricting loadouts and assigning static spawns to weapons - I'm certain they'll remove personal ordnance. Just imagine if someone got a Binary Rifle on Haven and ranked up because of it. I don't think it'll happen. I'm so glad 343 are finally giving the competitive community what they want. They're rather late to the party, but hopefully it'll bring more old-school Halo players back to Halo 4. I don't think Infinity Slayer was classic enough for them. I'll certainly try out the new playlist when it arrives.
I'm not actually sure about personal ordnance, though I did immediately wonder that myself when reading. Ghost's v1 settings included it, and I think there's a lot of support for it in the competitive community based on adding something extra to the game and maintaining parity with default gametypes to increase appeal and get/keep people playing. Obviously there are huge numbers who are against it too, and I've no idea what Bravo's thoughts on MLG v1 settings were, but I wouldn't call it a foregone conclusion by any means. People won't get Binary Rifles if the gametype designers don't want them to. You can restrict what's available in personal ordnance completely, so that's not an issue, nor is it a barrier to implementing personal ordnance as a whole. MLG v1 settings just had AAs included in personal ordnance, nothing more. I'm as sure as I can be that sprint will be included. EDIT: GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. Flinching =/= de-scoping. Flinching is the mechanic whereby your reticle moves involuntarily when you get shot at (whereas recoil is involuntary movement of your reticle when you are firing). De-scoping is exactly what the name implies. Sorry, that really grinds my gears.
sounds great...if only they could make some BTB changes now so it isn't a game of crazy power weapon madness and luck.
Is this going to affect or replace the current playlist or is this going an entirely separate playlist? If it's going to replace the existing playlist, then I won't be playing Halo 4 multiplayer anymore. I don't care for competitiveness.
It's the equivalent of Snipers, or Swat. . Or MLG/Hardcore in previous games. It's just another playlist. It's the basis of their new ranking system, and it seems like this is done almost as a response to MLG dropping H4(which was extremely premature), so I'm guessing it will be permanent. Really excited for this though, Halo 4 is such an amazing game when it comes to mechanics, but the randomness of personal ordinance and instant respawns ruins it for me. Glad they're giving people like me the option of a more "classic" feeling Halo.
DANG IT! If guests were allowed...this would be perfect! My brother and I LOVED that you could play with a guest in Halo and we made such a great team...guess I'll play this by myself but not when he's home....shame.
What new ranking system? It better be a separate ranking system, as I'm typing this post, I'm five matches away from SR90. This new system better not screw up the existing one or I'll be really pissed off.
Love it! all tho i wish they will make it so you can see your CSR ranking on Halo 4, and not just Way Point, and if theres anyone looking for a Teammate to pick up, im alway looking to be on a team Gameplay on my Channel.
"Competitive Skill Rankings" It's the 1-50 system of previous Halo games, and it WILL be viewable on your own profile in game as well as Waypoint, based on everything I've read from 343, but that will likely change because making it viewable in game encourages cheating and account selling. The old system will still be there. Hopefully it's actually difficult to level up in(like Halo 2).