This be my 2v2 submission YouTube - Compass Map Trailer : Rho Special thanks to Spawn Of Saltine for the end title. Subscribe if you liked it. Regards, Rho
Happy to help This map was surprisingly enjoyable and I don't usually like competitive maps. Good luck in the competition. Shame that some people didn't like the rainbow wall...
Don't know if you noticed, it was in the video. I used old video. I removed it in the actual map but I thought it added to the video
I LOVED THE RAINBOW WALL! I really liked this map, other than the lift failed... But other than that, it's a great map and it's actually one of the few balanced asymmetric maps I've played. And it plays 4v4 well, even though it was designed for 2v2. Great job!
This is going to sound really picky, but you misspelled the name of the song at the end. That is seriously the only problem I have with it so far.
It's a fun map to play, you have taken some pretty common ideas and actually made them work well in a competitive venue. Also, I just knew you were gonna use that no-scope clip, absolutely knew it.
Oops. Lightys. LOL I spelled forgehub wrong too. Hence the annotation. I was in a hurry. Finished it last night but lost the file so did it quickly this morning. Glad you liked the rest though EDIT: Sorry youtuber, it was epic
Btw, great song and camerawork in the vid, the cutrate is a little fast by a few frames in the beginning but who cares, it fits well.
That video is purty cool... maybe a little too monatge-y and less map video-y but still cool... Great looking map.
Maybe on a few frames but it goes fast enough that you don't really notice, unless you know what you're looking for. Glad you liked it. I'm probably gonna keep making these. It was just a teaser/trailer what have you. It wasn't supposed to show a whole lot of the map and I thought you got some nice little hints in the gameplay. Glad you liked it! Love Rho <3
If you indeed do intend on making more videos, I wish the best of luck to you, maybe someday when I get xbox live again (stupid crap keeps expiring on me before i realize it) Ill ask for you to do a vid for me... mebe. I like that little jump you have to the second floor spot using the little bit of a 1x1 flat at 0:10, and that thingy with the healthpack on it at 0:38.
Haha. I assume you paused at each little part in the beginning? Yea It's actually really easy to do also. Hit me up on xbl and maybe I'll make you a video at some point. Rho Fs when you have live back.
Great video for a great map, good times playing on this the few times I did, the only thing I regret was not knowing about that jump until you told me about it. Other than that, everything flows well, is balanced and the map is easy to learn after a round or two. Good luck in the competition!