Compact I made this map with the simple thought of: "I bet it's really easy to make symmetrical maps." While this isn't necessarily true, it was in this case. I put it together in maybe an hour. I know this doesn't make it sound appealing at all, however I promise it plays really well. Honest, it surprised even me. It's made for 4v4 teams or less and Free-for-all. I've set it up for nearly every game type as well. By the way, it is extremely small. So very very small. Add this to perfectly symmetrical and you'll know the map perfectly in a few minutes. Though it does have three floors of playable space, for those fun moments when you don't know if he's above you, below you, or right next to you. It's not aimed at being anything spectacular (especially visually), but I made it for small groups to play on. 8 or under people and I guarantee you'll have a blast. ::EDIT:: Weapons: 1xRocket Launcher (no extra clips) 1xSword 1xGravity Hammer 2xShotgun 2xDMR 2xNeedle Rifle 2xNeedler 2xSniper Rifle (1 extra clip) 2xMachine Gun Turret 2xPlasma pistol 2xPistol [Overview] [Bottom floor walkway - Lifts up to second floor] [Top floor - firing cover] [Side view - Ramp leading down to third floor and up to roof] Comments/questions/quandaries/queries?
hmmm... while this map looks interesting, I'd need to see more pics to download. I can't really see the symmetry that you're talking about. also looks very complex. may foil gameplay.
Firstly, I'm pretty "upset" that my image for the topic didn't show up. That's super lame. If anyone knows how to fix that short of making a new thread, please tell. Delivered: [Second floor] [Overhead] [Some visible symmetry] [Third to First floor walkway - shotgun and health pack too] [Inside one of the Top floor bases] [Central walkway Top floor] [Bottom floor]