I have to go with number 1. I like the number 2 banner, its really nice and simple with a good clean look, but its too plain in my opinion, a problem it shares with the current banner. The number 1 banner is more impressive without being overdone and silly looking, it has more of an impression when you look at the top of the page, and this is the purpose of the banner in the first place. It just grabs you more, without looking silly and pretentious. But, in some ways I feel that the second banner would be a better choice for the current theme of the website. The plain, clean look works better with the simple banner, and the second banner seems to dominate the rest of the page due to its darker, more complicated look. I'd say that the best way would be to darken the skin of the website a bit, maybe to expand it into the columns at the side as far as an image or background, because the first banner looks a little isolated in a sea of white and grey monotones. The best answer would be (as others have said) a choice of skins in the option menu. I still stand by my choice of banner number 1 though, its more impressive and eyecatching, without being overdone in my opinion. I know some of you think simple is better, but the point of a banner and theme is to offer an impression of our website and, as it is, we look pretty indistinct amongst alot of plain, white themed forums, our website just doesn't look distinctive or interesting enough. (There ya go Tex, I can rant on ANYTHING bish) EDIT: Can I suggest a Sticky btw?
Definately the first one it is more appealing and more unique compared to the second one. The Second one looks too much like the one we have now with the same color scheme too.
You're evil. <3 This doesn't need sticky, as it should be relatively taken care of soon enough. Also, there is a crap load of stickies already, and this seems to want to stay at the top anyways... =P