Community Play Date: 1 and Beta testing results

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Robster95, Mar 31, 2012.

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  1. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    hello everyone, these are the results of the Community Playdate: 1
    unfortunatly due to disconectivity and problems it didnt turn out very well :/
    but i did get some results with the beta testing and with a bit of altering the map pack will be out on wednesday!!!
    these are the results and what has to be done:
    Dust-Off: FINISHED!!!


    Crash-Out: little tweeking, Guns, spawn points


    Drift-Away: Spawn points, Guns for attacking team


    Zom-Bonus: Amount of humans spawing inistualy, jump height, zombie speed and sprint, less gun options for the humans.


    after these are done which SHOULD be done by wednesday.

    as for another Playdate, i dont realy know due to lack of players and also the connectivity etc
    please if you would like one just leave a comment saying you would like to have a second one, thank you and sorry to all the palyers for the problems,
    Players and beta testers are:
    Sgt Caolan
    Teh Flood

    and the rest all i can say is THANK YOU!!!
    and sorry :(
  2. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    You can put the results in your old thread. Making a new thread like this is not allowed.

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