Well as some of you may know, a member suggested that we have a community forge map, created in sections by several members of our large community. For the past few days now, several member of the site; including (gamertags shown) Ociee117, iTzz Longshot, Zatherla, ConfuseFlamingo, BlazeIsGodly, and Virus11010 (myself); have been working on an unnamed map which has turned out to be an overall success so far. This little project of mine poses two purposes: to submit fine works into the community for enjoyment, and as an alpha test for the community forge idea. If all goes well in the end, each contributor receiving equal credit, this will somewhat prove that the idea can be duplicated for more member involvement for a second coming of this project, or as so obviously stated, the beta test. For now I have decided that all slots for this map are filled and I will not be accepting any new forgers until the beta test. And now without further adieu, I present the brief sneek peek of our creation, which shall remain nameless until we can decide upon a name. The map has officially been named "Overwatch" Spoiler So far, the only definitive details about the map include that it is symmetrical and it uses no natural architecture. Any suggestions for the forging team would be greatly appreciated.
Keep the work up guys. It's looking like it'll turn out well. And if you guys need anymore help, let me know.
seven different people's ideas all clashing at once... good luck if you do suceed you will be the first. the peeing cube looks cool
I might just need you and flamingo to finish the other side with your structures again. As i said, so far there is no clashing because everyone is working on their own section of the map or having two people collaborating one one. If it does succeed, this will go into the beta test with maybe more people (and obviously not the same people). In fact, I'm already attempting to compose a list of forgers for the beta test.
so yeah, its looking good, but I dont think i have that much time to forge anymore. I've been working on photoshop stuff a lot lately and havent had a lot of time to get into a forge map. Plus I have to finish up some of my other work. So you free to keep the things that I put into it, I just dont think I should get credit for this since I wont have time to out more into it. sorry :/ thanks for inviting me in though.
It's fine, i can finish the other base for you. I'm not taking away your credit though since you did come up with the design for it.
Not to be negative but there's lots of bare space and lots of disparate ideas. As in, the lines of sight are going to make much of the map a death trap, and there's no cohesion in look, or feel in how it seems it will play.
And i would completely agree with you, although not all of the forgers have done their part yet so there is a lot of room for improvement.
This looks great so far, I'd love to get back to help when I'm not extremely tired. As retarded as the idea first sounded, this is looking decent IMO.
Yea that's fine but i would still like to give Sanguine Helios and ConfuseFlamingo a chance to do something more substantial before i can assign more parts for people. Overall, the map is almost done. All that's left to do is copy the side structure on red side and add something to add a little more cover to the issue that both nibbles and sarge pointed out. I'd say the map will be ready for proper gameplay very soon.
The revenant is entrapped within that boxed off area and cannot escape it. It is basically used as a vehicle turret with a very short distance for which it can travel so that it can have a 360˚ view for shooting.