Community Favorites: January 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Foge, Feb 20, 2021.

By Foge on Feb 20, 2021 at 1:34 PM
  1. Foge

    Foge Staff
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Welcome Back to another installment of Forgehub Community Favorites! This will also be our first Community Favorites article for the year of 2021! Hopefully this year will bring us many more kick ass maps… and Halo Infinite. Forgehub staff along with me included are very much looking forward to seeing what everyone can create in the new year and are just waiting for that oh so sweet forge reveal for infinite. Without further ado let's just jump right on into this month's Community Favorites!

    Here are the nominations and winners for the month of January!

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    First up in third place we have Blood gulch by starkey213036! This is indeed a remake of the Halo CE classic which goes by the same name. As the unofficial king of remakes myself, this is certainly one of the best Blood Gulch remakes I have seen throughout the past few years. Starkey has successfully recreated the dirt pathways even present in the original map, giving the map the true feel it needs to be considered blood gulch. So if you ever wanted to go back and feel the nostalgia of the old canyon that started it all, but don't quite want to leave Halo 5 to do so, look no further and give this remake a try with your large party custom game nights.


    In second place this month we have Galleria by Tempfirefox00! Fittingly our other two winners this month are larger scale big team battle maps, so it is only fitting that a much much much smaller map also takes a slice of the cake this month! Galleria is a 1v1 pseudo symmetrical layout which features a mostly symmetrical layout, however both sides vary from each other ever so slightly. These small differences make for interesting gameplay that makes it feel as if you are playing something symmetrical, when in reality you are not due to these small differences. These side to side changes can be something simple such as an added staircase, an opened gate, or even additional cover depending on which side you choose to fight on. Overall a very solid map and very interesting to play! So grab another friend and load this up for some spicy 1v1 fight nights!


    Finally in first place we have QuarterMaster by TheAmazingE 123! Quartermaster is a very unique map in that it's something that you don't quite see everyday, a good ol’ fashioned steampunk map. I'm a sucker for a good steampunk theme, and this one is sure to please! What TheAmazingE 123 has created is a large scale steampunk map built for big team battle gameplay. The map features a unique “steamy” look and also has some interesting lowering and raising crates which can definitely offer some rather interesting gameplay scenarios. So if you are looking for a big team battle map to play when you just so happen to have close to 16 players in a custom game, be sure to check this one out as it surely will not disappoint! Once again congrats to TheAmazingE 123 on getting 1st place this month, great job!

    Congrats once again to all those that placed this month, and if even if you didn't, we are certainly excited to see what everyone creates in the future! Until next month!​

    Later from your favorite,
    I'm not really sure what I do here​
    #1 Foge, Feb 20, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2021
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Foge, Feb 20, 2021.

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