Community Favorites: August 2021

Discussion in 'Features' started by I Crush All, Sep 5, 2021.

By I Crush All on Sep 5, 2021 at 12:29 PM
  1. I Crush All

    I Crush All The Bojack Horseman of the Forge Community
    Senior Member

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    Hello everyone and welcome back to the ForgeHub Community favorites! After all this Infinite News these past few weeks, from good to….not so good. At least we can all look forward to this month’s community favorites to spice up our month a little bit more! We have a lot of interesting maps to go through today, two of which are premakes from Infinite, so without further due, let's jump straight into this month’s Community Favorites!
    As a reminder, you can check out all these great creations by clicking their screenshot/picture or the yellow text below!

    Here are the nominations and community champions for August!

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]


    This month, our 3rd place spot was awarded to Behemoth by SAMuri52, this map is a premake of Behemoth from Halo infinite, a map we haven't entirely seen yet. This map has been built off the bits of screenshots and video clips that we've seen from the Infinite gameplay ViDoc and some other pictures that have been posted in the Inside Infinites and other infinite related posts. This map plays 5v5 preferably with the minimum player count being 4v4 (8 players). If you want to try jumping into this premake of one of Infinite's seemingly elusive maps; give this one a try in Halo 5!


    Second place this month was secured by Ivan Diaz with his map PERESTROIKA, a map set in Soviet Russia, seemingly in Chernobyl but the Ivan hasn't stated that so that's just an assumption. The Map's name translates to Reconstruction, which could be tied to its Chernobyl-like aesthetics. The map is a Symmetric 4v4 map where both teams spawn within residential buildings, throughout the streets of this map you see things from communist flags/insignias to Russian Tanks scattered throughout the streets. The map even has a familiar public pool in its center, allowing for some unique central interior fights. Be sure to give this map a shot the next time you boot up Halo 5!


    Finally, the 1st place spot this month was secured by Unknown Emerald with his premake of Bazaar from Halo Infinite. If I recall correctly this was made entirely before the flight and after playing the flight there was a striking similarity between the two, with the only original difference seemingly being the drop-down vent behind rockets, which Emerald has since added. This premake looks great, with the added ability to relive your Halo Infinite Flight memories, this is another great map you should check out in Halo 5!

    Congratulations to everyone who placed this month and if you didn’t, well, I can’t wait for all of your fantastic entries next month! All these amazing creations really show how powerful and creative of a community we have even in a dry spell. I think we all lost a piece of ourselves when we heard the forge mode was being delayed in Halo Infinite, looking back at Halo 5, we got an absolutely fantastic Forge mode from the delay we all endured, granted it was only a 2ish month delay, the forge still was the best we've ever had and that's clearly been shown to us with time and with all the creations everyone has submitted to us, while we have to endure an even longer delay/waiting period than usual, hopefully, the forge flights will allow us to sink our teeth into the new tool and allow us to truly evolve the Forge player-base/landscape as we know it. Before I close us out today I wanted to thank everyone who submitted their maps to the ForgeHub Fiesta Frenzy competition, without you the contest wouldn't have been as big of a success as we've seen so far, over 40 maps were submitted, that alone is quite the feat given how long Halo 5 has been around and how many of us still play it. Thank you to everyone who has participated in the contest helping test maps and submitting their own, everyone for continuing the forging creativity that flows through us all, every map submitted here on ForgeHub truly is special in its own way, and once the Forge mode releases in Infinite, I can't wait to see all your creations. Until next time!

    You’re friendly neighborhood writer


    #1 I Crush All, Sep 5, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
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Discussion in 'Features' started by I Crush All, Sep 5, 2021.

    1. HAYDN est1999
      HAYDN est1999
      Awesome vid, I was sooo close haha. And I feel you on the easter egg front
      I Crush All likes this.
    2. I Crush All
      I Crush All
      There are actually easter eggs hidden in the post but I do feel you on Easter Eggs for maps too
      HAYDN est1999 likes this.
    3. NukeOhio2024
      I was wondering if someone could clarify how the community favorites are selected each month. I can't seem to find the rules anywhere.
    4. NukeOhio2024
      Also three of the thumbnails on this post do not link back to the correct maps.
      Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2021
      I Crush All likes this.
    5. I Crush All
      I Crush All
      Let me fix that, they must've bugged out when I updated some of their pictures. Thanks for messaging me on that!

      To my knowledge (@SIR IRON WOLF & @Foge would be better equipped to answer this but) the top 10 community maps are selected by Staff and then are voted on during the month to solidify who won that Month's placings
    6. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Unless something major has changed recently, staff do not have any part in determining what is nominated or who wins. There was/is an automated system in place that determines which maps are nominated. It's based on a variety of factors that I know Warholic intended to be kept private to limit the likelihood of users 'hacking the system'. One thing that for sure impacts it is that those with the title of 'Forge Critic' have the ability to Nominate a map. This grants the map X amount of points that count toward the total point value. The maps with the most points at the end of the nomination period go up for the community vote.

      I agree it would be great to have the full criteria publicized for the sake of transparency, but I understand why it's not. It might be helpful to share some basic criteria that are not related to the nomination point system. Like what the nomination period is (example: 5th day of the month through the 25th day of the month). And I don't think those are the actual dates - I don't recall what they are.
      HAYDN est1999 and I Crush All like this.
    7. NukeOhio2024
      Thanks for the clarification, I was also wondering if you guys feature maps anymore since there hasn't been one in almost two years.

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