Community Favorites: April 2020

Discussion in 'Features' started by Foge, May 9, 2020.

By Foge on May 9, 2020 at 9:39 PM
  1. Foge

    Foge Staff
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Welcome back to another installment of Forgehub Community Favorites! Seeing as this is the first month with maps published while most of the world was officially under quarantine, this will be an installment of Community Favorites which I like to call Quarantine Edition! We have many exciting maps from creators of old and new. The extra free time users have had during this time has definitely been showing! With all winning maps being based off other already existing games, it makes me wonder are we running out of ideas? Or are we just getting started?

    Here are the nominations and winners for the month of April!

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    Are you ready to drop soldier? Jump into our third place winner with Police Headquarters! A remake/revisioning of of the New Mombasa Police Department Headquarters from Halo 3: ODST. The creator Carronhero recommends Husky raid, while others recommend trying it out in core gametypes. Whatever the gametype, if you're feeling nostalgic for that sweet rooftop ODST environment, this is the map for you. The map features a symmetrical layout with a single hallway connecting the two (as per usual Husky raid style) with the map overlooking that nice skybox of Empire, which is a pretty sweet touch to really throw you into the ODST vibes if I may add.​


    Sad about the fact that the last good Assassins Creed game came out almost over 10 years ago? Well then hop on into Tiber island by HoboSteevoJacko which is based off of that last good game, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood for that sweet mix of Halo 5 and Assassin's Creed, The two most hardcore parkour games I know. The map features the classic Italian look, with sweet pulley lifts to get you to higher areas, and a few hidden secrets for you to figure out throughout the map, just like in Assassin's Creed. Tiber Island supports slayer and capture the flag and is a fun addition to any casual custom game nights!​


    Did I mention this month was all about maps that have themes from other games? In first place we have Fate of the Morningstar by Blaze and everyone's favorite pirate Sikamikanico (the guy is known for making ship maps now) The two have taken the Morningstar ship from Sea of Thieves and placed it into a playable core map which supports slayer and strongholds. The map is heavily based on the classic pirate cove ideology, and even has a functioning cannon which is able to interact with players on the map staying up at the pesky power position high point on the map. Fate of The Morningstar is a fantastic addition to any custom game lineup, casual or competitive, and definitely deserves our first place spot this month.

    Congrats to all nominations and winners this month, and be sure to tune back in next month for a hopefully non quarantine edition of Forgehub Community Favorites!​

    Later from your favorite,
    I'm not really sure what I do here​
    #1 Foge, May 9, 2020
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
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Discussion in 'Features' started by Foge, May 9, 2020.

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