Communism or Fascism You have to chose one of the above, State your case on why it is better than the other, Use of sources will be rewarded with rep,
Personally I would choose Nationalism over Communism, simply for the fact that not everyone's equal, there has to be a leader and a higher-archy of people incharge. I mean, if everyone's equal, how can there be a leader, who controls the "equal" people. A cross between the two would be alot better though.
Matty, nationalism |ˈna sh ənəˌlizəm| noun patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts. • an extreme form of this, esp. marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries. • advocacy of political independence for a particular country : Palestinian nationalism. communism |ˈkämyəˌnizəm| (often Communism) noun a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. Communism is a political theory, Nationalism is derived from propaganda (country over family), so you can't really compare the two. EDIT: Since the two don't really relate to each other, maybe you can choose something else to replace nationalism, like Democracy, Republic, Oligarchy, etc...
A communist nation can have a dictator. Say, Stalin of USSR, or Kim Jung Il of North Korea. Go with Fascism.
While the ideals are different, they both end up as outright Dictatorships when you put human nature into the equation. So I'd probably just flip a coin if I had to choose