Command:Temple of Eden Upon releasing my recent Gametype "Command", The default map I released "CA:Towers" was not exactly a incredible piece of work nor did I intend it to be. So, I am in the process of making a very well forged map on Sandbox in the middle area to represent a good Command map. I don't have any pictures or specs yet being the map is in its very early stages but I hope to possibly edit this and bring some up as time goes on. Ina description as most Command maps should be, A simple VIP team star point and a elaborate battle field as well as starting point for the opposing team and a Go-To point for the VIP to reach whether it be in a structure or straight ahead but with multiple obstacles in front. If this is the first time you are hearing about Command, Check out Here for the first link post whith game specs and default map. I hope to realease this map within the week under the competitive maps section. -TailsIce
if you want to generate a little hype around your map, then i suggest that you add some pictures to your post so we can see it.