Hey everyone. Wanted to give a shout out and let you all know my debut map is almost done. I am a map designer from the old days of Quake II and Quake III Arena. These are some screenshots from my first offering ever using Forge. This is an Invasion map. Phase 1: Bomb the Objective (Power Cell to bring down shields at entry points) Phase 2: Capture the Territory (Careful the falling Killball) Phase 3: Capture the Core (Deliver the core to the backup Power Cell in the Caves) I'm currently looking for beta testers to help me iron out any problems with my map. It is for 2 - 16 players. Thanks in advance. UncleNuttzie
This looks pretty nice, although it's kind of hard for me to visual the actual gameplay components for this map in it's alpha state. Might I suggest placing a structure in between the center of those 2x2 ramps, it'll help add some aesthetics to the map and add some needed cover for players. Also who's going to be the attacking/defending team?
I appreciate the suggestions. I will try to free up some money and add a structure. . To answer your question. Spartans attacking Elites are defending. I should have some more screenshots posted soon.