hahaha wow. i said best game with the shield so far. if that is your best, than you dont deserve to be in this thread.
I went 47-23 just a little while ago on Domination on Terminal. I totally raped that game. Too bad for all of those noob tubers who racked up my death count D:
I play hardcore personnaly. I love it. I can't play regular at all. But it is better cuz 1 hit is a kill. And less noob toobs. I don't count objective games if we counted that than I could say my 40somethin-upperteens/lower twentys hardore hq game.
I am an objective fiend. I hate TDM and FFA, HC is okay, but search, demolition, etc... that's where you'll find me...
i need to try blast shield, i never used my knife anyways. i rarely used my magnum too. im thinking about switching to an M9 because its still 1 hit kill in hardcore, and more accurate.
same for me. Every game i join, i end up on a team that is embarrassingly terrible and is losing by about 5000 points when i do join
Well my stats are sucking because my GT is a family GT, but I'm raping recently. I just got my akimbo models, and Im not trying to get exp anymore. Now I'm just killing, ignoring challenges. Getting close to my fall camo for acr, only like 20 more headshots. And I'm Close to 1000 kills too. Like 80 more. My headshot rate is pretty good, no?