thanks hari, this is teh sex. if it had a shield in the background... any chance you get our names on it? SRC, are you going to put your screenies in thebackground of this or make a whole new sig? jw, because i really like the style of this.
I'm gonna put em in the BG, do some editing and other stuff to blend it well, maybe a night vision type of overlay? Hmm,
yeah, keep the green theme, put it in nightvision theme. and try to put a spot in their for the names of leaders and important people. example- if hari wants to be in it, he gets his name for making the base sig. me,you, doomgrunt, and if somebody else does something extremely helpful.
eh, for a promo sig the leaders names isn't a good idea... maybe I could make typography of our names keeping the same theme if we get a site going...
no, like customized sigs for the important people. like mine would say xwooden leafx on it, and yours would say SRC48 or dloe48.
oh I see.... Yeah, I might do that... I could also make clan montages if you guys submit clips to me.
there is a shield in the background.... if you gaiz need any graphics related stuff, im here. i probably wont be all that active in the clan though.
no, like keep the graphic and to one side or both and blend a real riot shield user in the background even more. i like the graphic of the shield, but a green real shield user in the background would look sick
i guess we will see lol. if it is edited right it will look good, i dont know the skills of SRC, but if he cant get it to work than yours without the background is it.
Me and my mate just searched a standard TDM for the hell of it, and EVERYONE used riot shields. It was amazing, especially when one team sticks together, and gang rapes one enemy into a corner until he starts crying.
team deathmatch express, i played with a riot shield clan. i had one man army with mine, so i would switch to whatever gun was good, like people would cover me for my m16 skills, and help take me places when i had my ACR out. it was funny.
I had a match where my whole team used riot shields. Unfortunately, it was on wasteland. We lost like 4100 to 7500 D:
lol. we played their and camped one of the houses, putting shields up to every entrance and window, with me in the middle shooting people who tried to ambush lol.
hey doomgrunt you should add our GT to the OP. xrioteerx is up add it for some clan action and SRC, i sent you a msg cuz ur FL was full.
dude, just played a game with the shield today. my accolades- most kills/fewest deaths most kills/longest killstread highest K/D ratio i got a chopper gunner i totally raped Karachi. i think it was 18-4? post your best game with the riot shield to date.