I use one man army and a semtex with mine. All I have to do is choose my class on one man army a few times and unlimited Semtex, so I don't need a semtex. I switch bewtween that and my scar while I'm trying to unlock the acr. Oma (one man army) really helps because if need be I can snipe, grab my M16 with akimbo rangers, etc. I usually murder with that setup. And hari, your the man. So, how about ppl from FH get in free and others have to try out? Microphones aren't required. So, right now, it seems like me and SRC are taking the most active role in this thread, so therefore we should be leaders. And everybody in this thread is a cofounder basically. Objections?
I wouldn't mind being a leader, considering I started the thread... Unless it means I have to get off my lazy butt and do some work.
^ i generally feel the same... Although I wouldn't mind doing promotion images and vids... we need a web designer eventually too...
I know enough web design to get by. And being a leader means one of us needs to be at all clan tryouts, and the clan events. So me, src, doomgrunt. I don't think anyone else should be a leader three is enough. So, GT will be up tommorow after school.
I can't get on except weekends(school, wrestling, ya i know, it sucks) But I can do most of the leading then, I can also arrange stuff over internet during the week. I don't get on xbox because I often try to "skip" homework to get more playtime in so during the week I do photoshop and video editing stuff.
Yeah, well tryouts won't be way too often. anyways, until we have a legit clan going, it's all set up. I've never been in a clan before. I'm practically GIDDY anyways, I don't have a mic just an FYI. We could do conversations over aim while playing or something, I mainly just listen. Riot shield group tactics are hilarious. I played with a bunch of shielders for a night, and it was so funny. The sub base staircase is amazing to camp.
Invest in a mic... they're only like 15 bucks for the xbox brand ones at gamestop.. they are a definite must have for a clan... You think you can get one this weekend?
I am broke, no can do for a mic. I'm getting one for Xmas anyways, no point in wasting money on one now. I know mics are a necessity, but I've always got by. And, I share a GT with my bro and dad, so whenever I'm on it may not be me.
I've always wanted to play with a group of "shielders." I don't think we should have tryouts. I think that if someone wants to join, we should let them. If they stink, we'll give them some pointers. I'm not saying I'm all that great by the way. Mic or not, it's all good. Any more conversation between the three of us should probably be done by PM, so we don't get in trouble with the Hub Police.
Have any of you guys found the Javelin exploit? I know it irritates people, but it's so ****ing fun to do. If not, just youtube 'Javelin glitch'. It's like martyrdom, but X20, and instant explosion. You get like at least 3 kills every death.
I don't mind if people play around with it in casual nature in private matches, but if that makes it to a game I'm playing seriously in, I'll just quit. Glitches should never be used if they ruin the spirit of the game. They're fine how they are, but it degrades the game if people abuse it. The only reason I might even consider doing something like that is for people who knife, but I guess if glitchers shouldn't have their way then I shouldn't have my way either. Besides I like knifing too. EDIT: Just curious, can you switch back to your primary once you completed the glitch or will that mess the it up?
Ahh, well I was thinking of devious thoughts. It'd be easier to get up close and personal with a riot shield, but since it resets then it wouldn't be worth it to try it.
On another note the counter to the crazy JAVILIENNEENN Splosion thing is to use a riot shield and the equipment blast shield. I had chris do the splosion thing and I stood right next to him and I lived, but took some damage. Also, any type of cover should save you if it's in the way.
Meh, I don't abuse it. I use it once, maybe twice every other game- if that. I don't get killed by the Models often, but when I do it pisses me off. I'm not into online glitching in any way, shape, or form. The only reason I use the Javelin glitch is in an attempt to get people to stop whoring Akimbo Model 1887s. It becomes irritating. :irritated: EDIT: Anyway, let's get back on-topic, kk?
That's probably something you should take up with the game developers. Taking it upon yourself to intentionally cheat to prove a point is dishonest.