I'm changing my title to owned. I say you can use whatever title you want, as long as its associated with the shield. Only 1.00, I'll have a streak of really good games, then I'll have a streak of really bad games. Not necessarily.
okay, so no official title. rioteers or lets start a riot? i want to get an official GT, so i need the name.
Rioteers it is... When I get the game this friday(been borrowin' it from mah neighbors ) i'll make a promotion video... btw, I don't have the money to change my GT so I say that's optional maybe?
You guys don't have to have matching GTs, that's just stupid. LSaR sounds awesome, you should use it. But if you guys are stupid enough to waste money and change your GTs, put RIOT in front of your names and take out the numbers and Xx's and stuff. Like RIOT Glasgow, see how awesome that sounds?
problem is, they may be far away which will allow them to regain themselves and if you close enough, all they have to do is sprint as they see you about to throw the grenade and whack you once and then again because the other person will still have to let go of the grenade. a lof of people will notice when a grenade is being thrown and will try to either duck behind cover right before its released or else attempt to dodge it. I used to get stuck all the time but now I rarely do if I actually see the grenade. And if you do get stuck, you just run at the person. Lots of fun. If you are to close to them, and they notice you are throwing a grenade they can just sprint quickly up to you and whack you once and possibly a second time. To the above post, you do.
No, you unlock it after you unlock the default sniper class. I'm not changing my GT, I'm only adding RIOT as my clan name.
k cool I'm not either then... I can make a promotional sig if someone takes a screenie of a person using a riot shield(no 1st person pics tho, spectator mode or something)
gts will not be changed. at all. evar. so we are the rioteers. i will make a GT for it. for the guy who said he would make promotional sigs, if you can use this.
ill make promotional sigs. I dont know who mentioned it before, nor do i care to look back, but i will also offer to do the same. Also, for the Riot Shield, the best setup is: Riot Shield A shotgun of some sort Marathon Pro Lightweight Pro Commando Pro Blast Shield Flash Nades