Combine Created By SaLoT Gametypes CTF TS Power ups & Weapons Rockets ( x1) Snipers (x2) Grenade Launcher (x1) DMR (x8) Needle rifle (4) jetpack (x2) Screen Shots Video Coming soon Download
i played this map and thought it was a great build. i felt that most of the fighting went down on bottom mid and there wasnt much incentive to stay on top. maybe some weapon replacement would change that for all round the map gameplay. this statement was only based off the one game i played. you obviously have played it more than me and you know better than i.
See, I'm not sure, I like your previous maps, but this one feels as if its mediocre, but I really am not sure. I'll play it. And the reason why I say this is because it looks like a "screw - around" map I'd make to well, screw around. Disregard this until I play it.
This reminds me a lot about Narrows from Halo 3. I wasn't a fan of Narrows but this one seems like an improved imagination of it, if you don't mind me saying. I like this map a lot but it feels a bit too big. I'm more used to small maps so this isn't saying much. My only complaint that actually sort of matters is that flow seems to be mostly redirected to the bottom.