Com Tower

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by BattyMan, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. Caseyken

    Caseyken Ancient
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    Let's run down the list, shall we?

    Aesthetics: Absolutely perfect! The Tower itself is simply gorgeous. Especially with the effects you put on there! The geomerging is awesome, too.

    Gameplay: Very interesting, although the tripods do seem to be a bit overpowered. A little tweaking should help with that, though. Also, a little more cover would be nice.

    All in all, this is FEATURE MATERIAL. You hear that, mods? Feature this map. Right now. Or I will find you. :)

  2. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    5/5 Everything! Gameplay and Aesthetics are just PERFECT!
    Should be Feature Worthy, buttttttt... before doing so, I would make a v2 with more cover. I died many times while driving between territories because there wasn't much to hide behind.
  3. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I love it! The com towers and especially the main tower looks very very hard to make. I love you dedication to this map, its your best one yet. I'll download and hopefully get a game on this.

    Nice aesthetics and your map is very original. Good job. Downloaded.
  4. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Wow. Were the tripods inspired by war of the worlds? I don't get how you got it to work, but I get how to play. Things like how you make the gravlift not spawn after the territory is captured is beyond my brain to comprehend. I might add this to my TGIF hosting game list.
  5. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    wow this map looks really fun and i like the idea. but yea it would really suck if you loose the comm tower. just one question is there a way out of the tripods or are you in an inescapeable fortress of doom. either way would be fun.

    p.s. the comm tower looks like a fusion coil or is just me (imagine how much fun i will have)
  6. damarco

    damarco Ancient
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    This looks very original have not seen anything like it yet probably the best featured map I have seen in the past month worth a download!
  7. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    wait...wait yeah thats it a HALO 2 fusion coil. But Honestly thats the best forge effect I've seen sence geomerging non imovible objects. And the Idea is REDICULAS in a good way thats why I spelld it rong lol. But good job and good Idea! 5/5

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