Thanks to gamerguy45 for giving me the idea. please download colour arena V2 and arena slayer Well, due to popular demand I have remade the first part of my Colour arena map. Now instead of boring beat-downs at thr start there is a whole new arena specifically for the start. Now as in the other post I will go through it with pictures at the same time because it's not all in one place. About half of the post is the same but whatya gonna do eh.. Here's an overview of the new arena, it's roof-less but completely in-escapable. You will either start in here or in a cage on your own. If you spawn in here there will be a Br under you. You aim is to kill everyone else. A panorama of the 1st half, remember it's distorted so no I haven't bent a fence wall. An overview of the second part. Here's the door blocking the teleporter to the next part, it will not open straight away otherwise there would be 12 people running into the next part. Opening Open Going through the teleporter will lead you here. If you don't spawn in the new arena you will spawn in a glatiator type room. You will be in here for a while which is a flaw in the map but I can't do anything about it. The person in the middle can unlock a gladiators door by walking into the custom powerup. Like so. Let the fight begin! The cage in the wall is for late joiners, this way they will spawn in here till the next round and not mess up the tournament. Here are the four different gladiator rooms with there colours. Blue, the grav lift was taken out because it would mess up the dumpster. Red Orange Green All explosives where removed as grave kills would mess everything up. please download colour arena V2 and arena slayer
hmmmm... it looks ok. good interlocking and stuff... but i'm a little concerned with weapon placement. it doesnt make much sense to put 2 equipments in one spot if u can only pick up one? or do u want the player to choose the equipment? i dont know, mabye u have a good reason as to why. also, i'm not sure about that custom powerup in the middle. how does it unlock the door? does the door come flying out at u, or does it slide up or over? overall, i'll give u a 3.75/5. but on the "rate this thread" thing, i'll rate a 4. keep up the good work!
Wow!!! Thanks for taking my suggestion for building a mini-arena I am going to try this out and hopefully... just hopefully it may be a full 5/5! I very rarely give out 5/5. I absolutely loved the last version but only 4/5 because it was very unsatisfying when you die by being melee/shot with a pistol..... So once again thanks for taking my idea! Well I'm off to play this amazing map. c ya later!
It's pretty fun, however it's also a bit difficult. For someone could be a total jerk and just not let anybody into the middle arena place. Or just let one of them in, kill them, and than be in the lead and not let anyone else try to get in the lead. Nonetheless though, it's a good effort. 4/5. P.S. I have play-tested this before writing my review, which Is how I know someone could be a nub, because that someone was me, lol. (I was with friends, so no one got really pissed.)
Ill check it out, one of the main things I had noticed is the VERY clean interlocking.. 4.5 outah 5 and ill check how the map plays
I played this map it was fun and entertaining. I liked both arenas, the first and second. The only flaw that I saw that was that in the first arena you spawn right next to the other people which would be ok if you didnt have different lvls so who ever spawns in the higher spots usually wins. Of course when I played it I didnt die once. haha. So ya your map is very fun and I had a good time. P.S. I played it with Gamerguy45.
Wow, I'm stunned its amazing! I played it with gmf painkiller (he made teh best puzzle map EVA) and a few of my other friends... It truly deserves the 5/5. Now this isn't the regular 5/5 this is the 5/5 that means something... I don't give it out willy nilly.... It is awesome and amazing and it will always be that... Only one flaw... If you spawn in the red box (spartan laser) you can jump on the top of the dumpster. Then, go into the left corner and you'll fall through going into the map early. I recreated that senario 2 times and someone else did it once too... PS: sorry to hear about what happend. next time don't mistake a midget for donkey kong and hit him with a hammer....
personally not my favorite, I played this with a few other people. it's an interesting idea but certainly not a perfect 5/5 in my opinion. This is basically a random weapons spawn tournament with the exception of the first battle and if you're playing with anyone who is a BA with the sniper it can be rather uneven. But the biggest problem with the map is that you lose just by the selection of the player in the center room. If you're always the last man chosen then you can only get 2 points per round even if you kill every one who face. Great interlocking but the game play is subpar... I think I'll wait til gunslinger's 16 man tournament.