Colosseum Perfected Created by prophetofheresy Colosseum Perfected is where blood, sweat, and tears are the determining factor of your fate. Not strategy and luck. Base: ___-.Foundry Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag King of the Hill Slayer Custom Gametype(s) Description: This my bigger and better version of the NSN colosseum.And it was made for all the peopl that whined about not having any cover. It is two sided with a base on each side. It supports my special gametypes only because there are no weapons on the map Forging 101: [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry Side A ( Sides are identical) Overlook Download Colosseum Perfected Download Hardcore BRs Download Hardcore CTF Download Hardcore King
looks pretty good. could be straightned up a bit though. other than that it looks like really good gameplay. good job. 4/5
It does look good although tactics especially does make a map really good rather than repetitive shooting other than that it does look good. 4/5
The middle of the map is a bit bland, but I like it since this is not a tacitical map regardless, although I expect most of the fighting to happen on the rim.