Hey guys, this is my first forge map I've created seriously. I completely lacked the finesse required to use Halo 3's Forge effectively to make a competitive map. With the advent of the "nudge" feature, it is now much easier to make symmetrical maps. When I decided to start this map, I was thinking about how much potential Bungie had with Boardwalk to make a Narrows-esque symmetrical map, if they had used the left side of the high base and mirrored it on both sides, it could have been a great map. This map is a mix between that map, and the old standbye, Narrows. Items on Map: 2 Snipers (Drop Spawn) 1 Rocket Launcher (Drop Spawn) 4 DMRs 4 Needle Rifles 4 Plasma Grenades 8 Frag Grenades 1 Concussion Rifle (Testing, might turn into Shotgun or Plasma Pistol) Overview Top Mid with Concussion Rifle and Yellow Catwalk From left to right: Ramp to bottom mid, Red Snipe, Jump up to Needle Rifle Catwalk Red opening spawn, above is Red Sniper Perch/Flag Bottom Mid/ Rockets Link to file share download link Here. Post here with any suggestions or comments. I'd eventually like to run some 4's on this as well...