Sandbox Collossus

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Paranoia UK, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    In order to turn Titan in to colossus there were a number of issues which had to be addressed. Most important of these was the fact that Titan had used the unlimited budget glitch. To fix this I had to delete enough objects so that the map went under budget again, which meant deleting almost the entire outer walls, from to to bottom. Once the outer wall was deleted I had a substantial amount of budget to get the map looking and playing nice again. I added in a less expensive wall around the circumference of the map. This wall was only half a wall high instead of the original three wall high. This kept up with the aesthetic look of the map but saved a lot of budget and also opened up an element of danger with the wall being so low.

    The other major issue with the original map was the spawn areas. These were in no way in keeping with matchmaking standards. After a lot of testing and some much needed help from the Forge-Union crew (thanks guys!) we managed to get the spawn areas perfect for every gametype.

    Colossus has had a complete weapon overhaul, with new equipment being viable with the layout changes. I have been able to add in two grav lifts changing the tactical options for the team on the lower levels.

    New Weapon list

    BR - 6
    Needler - 1
    SMG - 4
    Spiker - 4
    Plasma Pistol - 2
    Sniper - 1
    Rockets - 1

    Plasma Grenade - 4

    Grav Lift - 2
    Regen - 2
    Active Camo - 1
    Bubble shield - 1

    I have decided to make this version a new map with a new name. Although the look and layout are not all that different I consider this map to be very different from the last. Also, having already made and released a version 2 of the original I decided it would be best to release this as a new map.











    Special thanks to Vincent Torre for giving helping me to get this Atlas friendly. Special thanks to aarghSam, Irish Rebel, Zinni, Oh Hayley Ann & Kingstick for helping me test this.

    Download Here - : Halo 3 File Details

    Could a Moderator or Admin please lock the Thread Titan in competitive please. thanks
    #1 Paranoia UK, Jan 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2010
  2. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    #2 squidhands, Jan 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2010
  3. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    Cheers mate, fixed now.
  4. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    You have $76 left why not add in some base lights?
  5. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    Im not a big fan of the lights to be honest, i think the map is unique enough for players not to get confused when spawning. thanks man, what do you think other than the light ommision?
  6. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I need to playtest it before I give a full opinion. I think it looks like a lot of fun, just your spawn system has me concerned. I'm looking at it now and it seems like all of your spawn areas are set to neutral. For slayer, king, and oddball, this works, but for one sided or multisided objective gametypes I think you'll want to have some base separation so that you're not spawning next to your opponents flag/bomb plant.

    Definitely an improvement over your last spawn areas :p

    Playing around with it I still think you should add some lights below the bases. It add's just a tint of color that makes the map look just a little bit more aesthetically friendly.
    #6 Vincent Torre, Jan 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2010
  7. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    ok, ive changed the spawn areas, any gametype which allows for one sided variant has two attackers, two defenders and two neutral spawing areas. Ive also added some lights in for aesthetic effects. Cheers man, I have replaced the link with my new map.
  8. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Well my live is down so i am unable to play test, but from what i see it is a nice looking map both ascetically and playability ( i dont know just saying from the looks). I like the camo spawn, much like assembly's where you fall down the hole. It also has good looking and smooth walkways and railings. GJ 9/10

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
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    I remember looking at the original, Titan, and thinking: "Wow, this is good." Then, when I looked at this one, I thought: "Wow, this is good." Looks great for Oddball and Territories; Wish I could check it out but I don't have live, so to bad for me. Otherwise, great job.
  10. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    Looks like a good map. Only problem I really have with it (mind you, I've just looked, haven't played) is that for me, "Colossus" will always be a map on Halo 2 (that kinda reminds me of Construct come to think of it).
  11. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    one thing i noticed in titan that im not sure wether or not is still here, but there was a bump on one ramp going up because it wasnt merged to the floor all the way. if thats still there you should try and fix it. this looks good though.
  12. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    wow i saw this some days ago but this map is new and improved. me likey, only problem is the spawning ill have a look.
  13. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow better than the first version man ! I really like the way you remake the map cauz you make a lot of change but the map still the same !
  14. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
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    I love this map, DLed is a while ago and finally got a chance to test it out. It feels a lot like Goldeneye's Temple (I know you've drawn inspiration from that game in at least one of your other maps), so maybe this is the spiritual successor. My only complaint (as has been mentioned several times) is the spawning, numerous times I was spawned in direct sight of an enemy and enemies directly in front of me. I didn't take a look, but it felt like maybe the problem was too many spawns on the upper level, since thats when I noticed the spawning problems most often.

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