Collision: Created by Metroshell Download Reccomended Gametypes: Free For All Slayer Free For All Oddball Additional Gametypes: Team Doubles (Slayer) Capacity: 1-6 Players Weapons & Equipment: Human: 5 Battle Rifles 2 SMGs 1 Rocket Launcher (Hidden) 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Shotgun 2 Frag Grenades Covenant: 1 Plasma Rifle 1 Plasma Pistol 1 Needler 3 Plasma Grenades Brute: 1 Brute Shot 1 Spike Grenade Miscellaneous: 1 Flare 1 Regenerator 1 Bubble Shield 1 Grav Lift (Hidden) 0 Powerups 7 Fusion Coils Hidden ways to get sniper rifle and shotgun faster! :squirrel_chatting: Download Now!
perhaps if you give a more detailed description of the layout ... it looks pretty solidly put together from the screenshots; you just don't get a proper idea of what you're looking at.
hope your have limited the ammo on the shotgun and sniper so they do not control the map to much. i like the look of the map it shows that you have put alot of effort into the map. there seems to be alot on bumbs and holes in the map but i might have to d/l and check it out some more.
Or maybe I could get a video going, but I'm not sure how to get a film clip from Halo 3 to my computer. Think you could help? The Shotgun has no extra clips and a 45 second respawn. The Sniper Rifle has 1 extra clip and a 20 second respawn. (Let me know if you think the Sniper would be too powerful with the such a short respawn time. Thanks.) P.S. Look for my future maps when I post them. Names: Fortress (might change the name), True, and Breach.
Idea: You could DL the map and PM me a good description. :squirrel_wink: I'm not real good with describing my maps. :squirrel_shiftyeyes:
it looks really cool but im not sure really how this whole map looks and how it plays out... i might DL later
OH MY GOD THIS IS A GOOD MAP. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I shall explain my outburst with LOGIC and REASON. This map looks original. The name doesn't really say much, but this map looks insane. Not the biggest map evar, but it looks like it would be god for slayer type maps, lots of ways in and out of all of the corners and things. of that nature. It also looks IMO like it's inside of a building, with a kinda central shaft in the middle. I haven't seem anything else like this in Foundry, and it's nice. But the bridges instead of the corrugated steel floor is probably what changes the map the most; I feel like i'm a level up, not just on the ground. The only flaws I saw were relatively minor. 1: Too many equipments for a map of this size. 3, meh. Try one or two. 2: Too few spawn points. I just did a quick forge through of the map, but I didn't notice a plethora of respawns. Note that I didn't actually PLAY through it, so it could turn out to be fine. Just a heads up on a potential problem. But everyone needs this map.
Ill make sure to DL and get back with ya. I gtg to bed now. Morning fo sho =] From wat I see this map looks well put together.
This is a great close quarters map. You can't really get out of the action without being stalked. I don't suggest having more than 4 people on it, though. Metro put this together very fast, so he could've spent more time on it and made it better. I heard he was making a remake! yay!
Well, this map looks very well made and interlocked from the pictures. I really like certain areas in the images, and think I will check this out. My only complaint is that 45 seconds for the shotgun regardless of other factors is too little, it should at least be 60.
I think i must agree, it can be very confusing from just pictures. Add a discreption and i might download it, because it looks fun from the pictures themselves.