Okay, this has been here for 3 weeks... WHY HASN'T IT BEEN FEATURED?? This is one of the most original maps I've seen in ages, is the first map I've seen made in forge with the ability to actually "fall and die," without that silly teleporter crap on Foundry, and it's very well made. I've confused. I mean, Sewage Lines was okay, Metro was okay, yada-yada, this needed to be featured before those. A true mark of forgery! Also, since people can build outside of maps like this one now, will someone ever remake older maps like Boarding Action and Ascension, LOL! Again, awesome map. I DL'd it 3 weeks ago when you first posted, and returned to see what was going on.
This map has Epic Win all over it. People should make more floating maps over Blackout. 23/10. I would have made a longer post, but when I did, I voted on the poll and had to re-do this. So this is kinda a short version of it. I'm gonna wait till Version 2 comes out but you have my DL locked and loaded.
Love the map it is amazing but im not wild about weapon placement weapons , I thingk that having two power weapons on one weapon holder was a little too much
WOW!! this is the best floating map ive ever seen.the fist pic is so cool,this probubly took a while with all the save and quit.i just think it needs a little more cover, but i dont know that yet because i havent plaed it.crazy map 5/5
Why isn't this map featured? It should be, look at all of the feedback and poll, everyone wants it to be....FEATURES. This map has good interlocking, I love the gun placements, though the map is a little open, and the sniper dominates the map. Good job though, 4.889/5.
Excellent! I love just how this map looks, it is definately a work of art, I never thought of using Blackout as an almost new Foundry in the air, amazingly unique idea. And the fact that your playable map is also in asthetic space craft, (Covenant, judging by the appearance of it.) makes it all the better and greater it could possibly be. It takes some serious skill to make a playable aesthetic map, but to make it floating in the air and on a map no one would have EVER expected makes it that much more epic. +Rep and download. Great Job! Just like JessicaJones said, NEEDS FEATURING!! They definately must not have seen this map yet.
this is the best blackout map i have seen so far. The merging is great, the layout looks awesome for team games, and I just like the look of it. Great job!
First of all I hope this map is featured , because its the best, most pro map forged on Blackout. 10/10 just for effort alone and being an original map. Also I hope whoever forged this map will try their best to forge a great map on Avalanche, because i still havent found a truly great forged map for Ava yet. Can anyone reccomend a good Avalanche map?
Dude, this map owns! How the heck were you patient enough to *Save Changes*, *End Game*, (LOADING SCREEN) *Start Game*, *Repeat.* That many times!? All I can say is "WOW!" My friends will be amazed when I show them, they love maps like this! 100/5 STARS!!! Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa... sooo, I can't download. /Cry! I was so excited to turn my 360 on and play this map, and now my plans are ruined! What do I do now?