Collision Official Post Collision Made by Adelyss and Phreakie -Download Collision- Collision is the winner of the Template Contest Week 6. Adelyss and I collaborated the map together in about a months time. Collision was specifically designed to hold and accomadate 8-14 people. The original design was made for the Conquest Forge-off, but I began forging the product to late. Instead of scrapping its design, I used it and elaborated of it to create this beauty. Apparently, it was good enough to win the whole thing and get us both Premium member status. This maps original desgin was also created for optimal and balanced gameplay. This was achieved by creating several weapon checks and balances so that no power weapon dominated over the rest. We also accomplished this by creating several get-away points in the maps (i.e. the teleporters in the back of the map). I also made sure that the Vehicles on the map could get around fairly easily with a good driver. I also restricted their boundaries by putting several obstacles in their way to limit their capabilities for symmetrical gametypes. Now onto the weapon loadout Weapons 10x Battle Rifles 4x Carbines 2x Sniper Rifles 1x Plasma Pistol 4x Spikers 1x Spartan Laser 1x Shotgun 2x Needlers Equipment 1x Trip Mine 10x Plasma Nades 6x Frag Nades 2x Bubble Shields Vehicles 2x Mongeese 2x Warthog (turrets) More Screenshots to come... -Download Collision-
Play testing this map was really fun. Either way, when I was testing it, I feflt like there was something missing. I have no idea what that is though. I have tried to explain so many times.
Look's like and awesome map. The first pic just looks hella sweet. The arch is pretty hard to make on Foundry. Although I cant see much of the other map yet, so i wont rate yet. Good job on what I can see!
This was fun to play on, even though my connection failed me once we started the game... congrats on winning the contest; integrating vehicles into Foundry is a hard thing to do.