Here's my first Halo 4 forge map. It started off as me just testing out how Halo 4's forge felt and it kind of grew into this ridiculous project that a friend and I have been working on for awhile now. We both really love dominion, so this map is geared mostly for said game type, but we have plans to convert some sections of the map into standalone maps for multiple game types. But for now, it's just a big experimental map that I'd like some opinions/criticism on. It's not yet completed as I still have some structural stuff to complete and of course the objectives, spawns and weapons. Anyways, I'd like to get some play testing done if anyone is interested; I'll edit this when it's completed, (shooting for this weekend) and hopefully some of you will be interested. Now to the good stuff, the pictures: This map is supposed to represent a space station/mining facility that was dismantled due to collision with asteroids. (meteors?) Here is one side of the station where one team will be spawning Just a look out from inside the building pictured on the right in the previous photo The level below said building This is leading to the center of the station. We really wanted it to feel as if the map was lived in and falling apart, so we have several intrusions/destroyed things. I'm a fan of little details A view of the other side, which needs a lot of work still Another example of small details, I thought it would be cool to have objects floating around to create different sight lines or provide temporary cover such as this pallet Here's a view of a tower that was broken off the station, a teleporter grants access to it Around back of the tower is a little pathway made by floating space debris which leads to a sniper (the only weapon that has been placed so far) A sight line from the tower Another one, looking onto the second part of this map, which is what we (my friend and I) like to imagine is a mining outpost of some sorts Said outpost Another angle A look at the entire map so far That's all I've got so far; I forgot to take some photos of some man cannons and such, but you all now have a feel for the greater part of the map. Any commentary, criticism or opinions are welcome. Thanks for taking the time to check out my map!
Unfortunately, the problem with maps seperated very meager means of connections is that players are inclined to camp a certain side due to the risk involved in traveling to the other. I'm not to familiar with Dominion, so I don't know if the gametype would do anything to solve the problem. Of course, this also cannot be said for sure until I have tested it at least. Is it on your fileshare? I'd be glad to take a look at it some time. On a brighter note, the theme certainly looks present from what I can see in some screenshots.
I agree with you and do had my own concerns about reaching the outpost. So far there are two ways to get there, the first is a man cannon that is branched off of the center of the map which lands the player on the platform that has the blue gravitational effect surrounding it (as seen on the last picture). Secondly, there is a teleporter that sends the player falling down through the passage way in the bottom right corner of the same screen. I hoped that having entry points on two different sides of the base would allow for a more balanced gameplay. I have plans to add a third way onto the base as well. As for ways back to the station... I have none yet. Obviously that is rather important so I will definitely be trying out several ways to do so; play testing should (hopefully) resolve all the concerns you and I have. As for the game type, dominion is essentially domination as you would find in Call of Duty, but with a twist. The areas you control upgrade after a certain time limit. These upgrades include fortifications such as auto turrets, barriers and ordinance. The ordinance usually consists of power weapons and vehicles; these are constantly resupplied after holding the area for a certain amount of time. There is a point limit which owning areas contributes to; so the more you have the more points you get. Victory can also be obtained by capturing all areas and then wiping out the enemy team. The enemy team will have overshields at this point but will not be able to respawn. If you kill them all before they take an area back, you win. I feel like this game type should encourage movement throughout the entire map, especially if the areas are placed correctly. Anyways, I can't be for sure of anything until it gets some play time. I do not currently have it up on my file share, but I will as soon as I finish it and get a rough layout of the objectives and spawns. I could put it up sooner if you'd like. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Instead of reading the book I wrote, you can just check out this video about dominion: Halo 4 Dominion Mode Multiplayer Gameplay with Aplfisher (Inside Gaming Extended) - YouTube