According to timmy there's none, but I have to raise a mildly skeptical eyebrow at that - a couple of those screenshots pack a lot of aesthetics into small spaces, so it's hard to imagine it wouldn't affect framerate, especially in splitscreen. I'm definitely curious though because I love this map, I have yet to see a good remake of it, and this looks great from an aesthetic standpoint, and accurate (from what I can tell) also.
I can't guarantee anything as bandwidth, internet connection has a part to play that is out of my hands. But in learning about framerate and/or lag. I have found that as long as areas are smooth and clean lines, no excessive overlapping, no z fighting. The lights are practically hidden too so that they aren't causing problems. I look forward to showing everyone this. And hearing peoples opinions . As its small and hectic, 4 v 4 will be upto 75 and that usually takes 10 min.
Wooow, nice remake Timmeh. Although, the glass wall looks a bit askew. Just a map preview though. This looks awesome man.
Yes I did notice that. The great thing about preview is that I can study pictures. I have been all over changing different areas. But it is almost done. Shame you couldn't test the pilot test run last night. I will send invite when I'm testing if you have the time, I'd like you to see this. Thanks Also I'd like to add that the glass in the actual map is scewed and tapers top to bottom, and the actual look is near impossible if not impossible to forge perfectly. The window you talk of is straight and centered top to bottom, but there is definitly something out and needs improving. thanks [br][/br]Edited by merge: This map is now on my fileshare.... testing has been done and this Will be posted shortly. Thanks everyone that got involved in this thread.