Well as you all know, Bungie has map a new map - Cold Storage. It's based on a medical forerunner facility and is a remake of Halo 1's map Chill out. This monday, mark your calendars because Bungie's deciding to give away the map for FREE! Once released, you'll never ever have to pay for it, and it's apart or the Legendary DLC so if you don't already have the new maps.. go get em ya noob . A 7 man free-for-all playlist will come with this spectacular map so get your MLG pro friends ready. Also: It's bungie day for a reason; July seventh (7/7) and this is the seventh bungie day that they've had since 2001. That is why they're giving presies . They're also dropping the Legendary price from 800 microsoft point to 600! Here's their newest ViDOC on the new map Cold Storage. Enjoy. **Cold Storage ViDOC**
If I'm not mistaken, this thread is halo related and belongs here: Halo Discussion - ForgeHub Halo Forums. Thanks.
Way to contribute to the site by starting another thread talking about the same thing that's already been posted here, here, and here to name just a few. The tools are there for you to actually use, dude.