Cold II

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Mattitiyahoo, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. Mattitiyahoo

    Mattitiyahoo Ancient
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    Cold II
    Four - Eight Players. Use gametype, "Predator v3."
    *Note that this map is not a version 2, but a sequal. Link to Cold I

    "Theta Company? This is Big Pappa, we've lost contact with Bravo Company. We need you to go on a routine search and rescue mission. Minimal hostilities are expected. Big Pappa out."

    *Predator v3 gives the humans a new loadout- an AR and Magnum. The damage humans can inflict and the damage the infected can take have been modified so that the AR is Predator v3 is only as strong as the SMG in Predator v2. The magnum will kill the predator with a single headshot, just like the shotgun did a body shot.
    The idea behind making the version 3 was merely to create the feeling that you were, in fact, Theta company and no longer Bravo company. Gameplay is hardly changed with the modifications made in v3.

    ^ Not a necessary read ^
    #1 Mattitiyahoo, Aug 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  2. Arazra

    Arazra Ancient
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    In terms of the video, a few recommendations, one is I wouldnt recommend putting any effects that drastic on it, in some pictures it was difficult to see what was going on, also you might want to put up some pictures of just the map, action shots are nice but shots of the map are better.
  3. Mattitiyahoo

    Mattitiyahoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gee, thanks for the tip, clearly there is a whole lot I can learn from you.

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