Here's My first race map i actually ended up finishing. My Friend The Flubberduk watched me make it and he made the aesthetics and the ending rainbow road while i was eating supper. I can't really describe a race map in words so here's some pictures: Start First Banked Turn First Straightway Perfect 180 Turn The Tunnel Corkscrew Rough Rocky Turn Ramp Up Rainbow Road to Finish Please download and comment
This is a epic race track, it has nice smooth curves and turns, the layout is great, I like the size of the track. Great job, and I will give this a download.
from what i see it looks fairly smooth but there is some very noticable tapering. double wide racetracks are supposed to be smooth, no tapered racetracks. Just take a look at some of v Ionized maps or even mine. U dont have to make them exactly like ours but just take a look because thats the idea double wide. basically what i am saying is tapering belongs in rollercoasters.
You're going to have to explain what tapering is. I've been making racetracks since halo 3 and i've never heard that term. Just taking a wild guess at what it is though. Is it when the track turns from on an angle into a flat track, like right in front of my first straightway? But just telling you that if you think it's not smooth, that part is not a major tapering, it's fairly smooth enough to not be a major factor. Thanks for the input though, next double wide racetrack i make i'll try to not do any tapering ^^.
I enjoy the idea of this map and most race maps, but without any obstacles or jumps it just leaves you wanting something more. I just wish that someone could make a moderate to hard track like I did without making it a legendary death race which is also boring. If you could incorporate something that requires skill like all of halo does the map world be more enjoyable. Keep up the good work and check out Fighting for First which i made specifically to be a challenging yet very fun map. Infinite playability
I have to say that is completely correct. I'm not that good a making jumps yet so i have to learn how to. I did notice that it felt kind of plain. Thanks for the input, i'm gonna take that to my next race map
Hey shadow, i was talkin with my friend Colton1945, he said you should add him when you get the chance and he will help you with making a couple jumps so you can get the idea down. Also he said he knows how to make corkscrews and workable loops.
looks good you've made the turns nice and smooth the track isn't small or thin so it races really nice keep going with maps like these